Chapter 3

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The air was cool, cantaloupe-colored leaves drifting by with each step along the endless gravel road. Tall trees lined the path, shrouding the pair in serenity as their endless walk pursued. Not a word was spoken, perhaps in fear of breaking the unearthly tranquility swept over the two as they walked, their hands carelessly clasped together, fingers intertwined.

After weeks and weeks of relentless sadness, this new state of bliss truly overwhelmed James's battered heart. With each step, he felt lighter and lighter.

The path never twisted, never turned, it was all the same. Though James could care less, everything felt oddly perfect. This unrequited bliss failed to underly any ounce of confusion, familiarity only swelled in its place.

James sighed as his shorter partner rested his head on his shoulder, which only made the warm feeling inside of his heart grow. As Adam exhaled quietly, practically melting into James's arm, James closed his eyes, but when he opened them, all he saw was his bedroom ceiling.

Oh god, not again.

It's been happening for a straight week, dreams of pure bliss, an escape to the cold pit that James's heart had rendered itself to. And each morning he'd have to rethink everything he's ever said or done after realizing who he was dreaming about.

Now, it was frustrating in the oddest way. On one side these dreams were wonderful vacations that he wished lasted forever, but the other side couldn't help but fret over why Adam provided it.

James stumbled down his stairs as he wondered if his dreams were trying to tell him something, but the moment this prospect crossed his mind his thoughts scattered in all directions, everything becoming nonsensical.

Confused, and growingly more anxious, James reached into his fridge to retrieve the milk.

Wow, FrootLoops, great cereal.

Gotta love it and all its    cereal-ness.

Especially the red ones...

No, not the red ones! 

This is bad.

Why is it bad?

What's happening?

"Ah!" James stepped back, the milk he'd been pouring into his cereal bowl had completely overflowed, spreading all over the counter. Where had his mind gone? How did all of this even start?

Oh right,

that stupid look he gave him.

Surely he meant nothing by it,

James was just being stupid.

Yeah, stupid James,

thinking Adam might be interested in you.

Haha, yep.

Why is all this overthinking happening? 

James just misunderstood him,

yeah, total misunderstanding on his part.

Getting Over It (TheOdd1sOut x SomethingElseYT)Where stories live. Discover now