Chapter 1

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As he opened his eyes it was as if he was seeing the world for the first time. An unknown figure stood above him cloaked in a golden light, his black hair falling in thick tresses upon his shoulders. A furious scowl marring the man's handsome features.

"You could've died!" The young man yelled at him, tears dripping off his chin onto the dusty ground. "I promise I'll never let you out of my sight again." The raven-haired man whispered into his own brown hair.

He felt his heart flutter as the man held him close to his chest, but couldn't recall the gorgeous man's name. In fact, he couldn't remember his own name or anything else at the moment.

"I'm sorry." He said to the beautiful boy, who he lay with, "But I don't think I know you." He pulled away from the arms that comforted him and stared into the pale man's eyes.

"Can you tell me where I am?" He looked around at his surrounding. Two huge mechanical lions loomed over their heads and the soil was sandy and dry.

Slowly he attempted to stand, but a searing pain erupted from his ankle and he collapsed back onto the young man, who watched him with confusion.

"Lance?" The beautiful boy spoke to him, worry flooding his voice

At first he didn't know what the man meant before realizing that 'Lance' must be his name, though he couldn't be sure.

"Is that my name?" He asked the man beside him curiosity lacing his voice. He lay on his back and stared up at the sky. Two moons sat glowing in the sky surrounded by a blanket of stars. That's weird, he thought to himself, isn't there only one moon?

"Lance?!" The worry in the man's voice was instantly overwhelmed by an intense fear. The man stood up and whistled and the red lion began to shift, it's stomach opening up into a ramp.

"We've got to get you to Allura and Pidge, they find out what's going on." The man hauled Lance up by his shoulder and place an arm around Lance's waist. Causing his Lance's nerves to send fireworks to the places the raven-haired boy touched.

"I already know what the problem is, my ankle is hurt." Lance gestured to his ankle which was visibly swollen. He stared up into the beautiful purple eyes of the man, begging his mind to let him remember his savior. Though he received no response he attempted to walk toward the giant red lion as best he could. He hobbled a few unbalanced steps before crying out in pain, nearly collapsing back onto the red dirt.

A notable sigh escaped from the man, who ran his fingers tiredly through his hair before picking Lance up bridle-style. Awe-struck by the strength of the lithe man he gently rested his head on the man's shoulders.

"What's your name?" Lance asked softly, finding enough courage to break the silence as the man set him down in a hammock inside the hull of the red lion.

"You really don't remember, do you?" The boy stared at him. Lance shook his head softly, but shifted his body to to look the man in his eyes.

The man stared back at him as if trying to unravel a puzzle before his eyes softened.

"My name is Keith." The man said with a quietness unusual for a man of his visage.

"Nice to meet you Keith," Lance held out his hand that Keith took reluctantly and pulled his savior closer, "but something tells me we've met before."

Sorry for the cliffhanger ;) I'll try to update,lol, expect slow updates cause I'm a lazy bean. Sorry.

I'm open for suggestions tho

Two Moons- A Klance AUWhere stories live. Discover now