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Harry's breath caught in his throat, looking at Louis, who stood there in his pj's holding his swelled belly.

"I don't really know, he just wanted to give me these." Harry held up the box of raisins that Calum gave to him.

Louis furrowed his eyebrows, squinting in able to see what Harry was holding. He had left his glasses upstairs.

He stepped off of the bottom step and sort of waddled over to Harry, taking the box from his hands and examining it.

Harry felt himself sweat a bit, for some reason the silence was making it tense between the two.

Louis finally spoke with his angelic soft voice. "Why did he want to give you a box of raisins, at..." Louis glanced at the clock on the wall. "6:30 in the morning?"

Harry sighed. "I don't know it was kinda odd, maybe he was on his way to work or something and just wanted to stop and gimme these? I love raisins for breakfast." He shrugged and took back the box of raisins.

Louis looked at him in confusion. "I didn't think you two were friends..."

"We're not baby, that's why it was odd to me. I mean he did say it was a gift for helping his son." Harry purposefully left out the weird parts about the outfit Calum was wearing and how he giggled. Those things would most likely scare Louis and the boy doesn't need the stress.

"Helping his son?"

Harry realized that he hadn't told Louis about running into Calum at the store, he sighed, mentally face palming. "The other day I found his son in the store but he was lost, so I helped him find his parent which turned out to be Calum."

"Oh. You didn't tell me about that." Louis pouted slightly, without even knowing.

"I know, I kinda forgot babe. Maybe we could go out for breakfast though. Is our little lovebug hungry?" Harry smiled and got closer to Louis, snaking his hands around the boy's waist.

He had changed the subject for a reason.

Louis smiled a bit and nodded, he pressed his face into Harry's chest.


Josie grunted, holding onto a box while trying to pull her little leggings on. Most of their things were in boxes now, they were getting ready to move into Niall's mum's house next week. Niall didn't want to stay too much longer because that would be stepping over a line. His friends are having a baby and need the privacy of their own house.

"Daddy wants to see you today," Niall gave Josie a fake smile, watching the toddler struggle. He was leaned against the guest room door, his arms crossed over his baby bump, which had gone through a growth spurt and now stuck out quite a bit more.

Josie dropped her leggings to her ankles, looking at her mummy with wide eyes. "He does?" She asked excitedly. Her speech had been getting better over the months that they'd moved out, and she'd grown quite a bit as well.

Niall chuckled a bit at her expression and nodded. "And I decided that he could pick you up today."

"Really?!" She hopped up and down before wobbling over to Niall and hugging around his knees.

Niall giggled and bent over slowly to pull up Josie's leggings before he threw a red V-neck shirt over her head.

She smiled up at him, her dark hair staticky and sticking up. "I can't believe I'm gonna see daddy today."

Niall walked over to the bed and sat down, patting the spot beside him, telling Josie to sit by him.

She hopped up onto the bed and sat criss crossed. Her dark hair bouncing around as she did so.

•Be My Baby• ~l.s, bdsm, mpreg (au)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang