"Hey will you do me a favor?" he asked.


"Go into the glove box and grab my USB cord" he motioned to the glove box while keeping both eyes on the road.

Once I grabbed the cord, he instructed me to plug it in. As I did so, he handed me his phone.

"Plug it into my phone and play whatever you want. Since you like All Time Low, I think you'll like the music I have on there but you're welcome to plug your phone in" he said with a smile. I liked how smiley he was. He had a really great smile and his happiness was contagious.

"Your phone should do fine" I said.

I really didn't want to plug mine in because yeah, I had some All Time Low and other stuff that Luke may like, but I didn't want the chance of me shuffling it and having the Jonas brothers come on.

"I need you to unlock your phone" I said facing his phone towards him.

"It's 1996" he said without hesitation.

I probably could have guessed that, usually people used dates as their lock codes so I wasn't shocked it was the year we were born. I was shocked how easily he gave me his passcode though. I mean, I guess I would have given him mine that easily too because there was nothing on my phone but a bunch of silly pictures, music, and some social media apps; but then again, most teenagers would still type in their passcode for the other person.

I scrolled through his artist list- All Time Low, Blink 182, Green Day, Mayday Parade, Yellowcard, etc.

"I like your choice in music, Hemmings" I said, just clicking the shuffle button.

"Thanks" he said glowing.

I miss you by blink 182 came on, "I can play this song on guitar" he said beaming.

"That's really cool" I said, since it was one of my favorites by Blink.

Throughout our drive, Luke would bang his steering wheel during certain parts of a song sounding like he was a drummer.

"Drummer too?" I asked laughing.

"Nah, I have this habit of tapping my foot to the beat but I'm driving so I have to do something about it, but you should hear Ashton play drums, he's really good"

"Start a band" I said half as a joke.

"We could technically, Ashton drums, my friend Michael guitar, our friend Calum on the bass, and I mean I'll sing and play guitar. BUT we would suck" he said laughing.

"I feel like that would be one interesting band" I said laughing along with him.

"Yeah we wouldn't get anywhere" he said shaking his head.

I looked around us, we were driving through what seemed to be a forest. There were trees everywhere and lots of windy roads. I noticed we were coming up on a "Speed Limit 50 MPH" sign.

I noticed Luke pick up the speed. I rolled down my window a little more enjoying the fresh air, and Luke did the same.

"This is really pretty" I said looking around, I loved drives like this, "but totally could be a place for a murder to occur" I said trying to sound serious.

Luke just gave me a smirk "that could be my plan" he said trying not to laugh.

"Shut up" I said shaking my head at him laughing. Not much longer we finally pulled up to what looked like a tiny beach. There was a lake, sand obviously, boats and a pier.

"This is awesome" I said to Luke as he parked.

"Yeah it's really relaxing" he said.

"How did you find out about this place?" I asked as we walked out onto the pier admiring the view.

Photographs (Luke Hemmings)Where stories live. Discover now