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From: Luke the getaway :-)


From: Luke the getaway :-)


From: Luke the getaway :-)

I'll sing for you if you get on

Kelly woke up, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. Her phone had been nonstop vibrating all morning and that was the only reason she was up right now. Her hand reached over to grab the small device, barely clutching it in her hands. Her eyes squinted at the screen as she held it above her face.

Luke had texted her. It was times like this when Kelly despised the timezones. She knew that Luke lived in Australia, while she lived in California. No not the warm always sunny part of Cali, it was the part where it did get cold and it wasn't always perfect.

Kelly yawned, lazily typing back a message that probably made no sense at all. She basically said that she'll be on in a second. Kelly threw the covers off her body before reaching over to turn her television and ps3 on. Immediately the notification popped up reading that Luke was online. It was far to early for Kelly to even pay attention to the screen. Her eyes drooped shut a few times before her phone vibrated again.

From: Luke the getaway :-)

make sure your girl is wearing something cute :-)

Kelly rolled her eyes before tossing her phone to the side. What could Luke be planning? She couldn't help but be extremely curious as she started the game up. After the ridiculously long loading screen, Kelly stood in front of her apartment. Luke sent her an invite to his game, which was private. She accepted it immediately.

"Hello stranger," Luke spoke up gleefully. He was in a fantastic mood, plus he was excited about his plans with Kelly. He knew that it was early where she was from, but he couldn't contain his excitement any longer.

"What are we doing Luke?" Kelly asked yawning again. It was a Saturday, so she was hoping on sleeping in. But those plans were now ruined.

"Okay, wait a minute," Luke said pin pointing exactly where Kelly was on his map. Thankfully she was close, so he pressed in the right trigger of his controller making his car speed off down the road. He turned a few corners, not running into any civilians. Luke pulled his car into a stop in front of Kelly's character, the radio station already set on pop for her.

Kelly pressed triangle on the controller, her character sliding into his car. She smiled to herself when she noticed Luke had put her favorite station. Luke pulled away from the curb, driving them down the road.

"Alright, so hear me out. I have come to the conclusion that you and I are pretty good friends. And I've also come to conclusion that we will most likely never meet each other in real life," He started off. Kelly frowned at the thought of never actually meeting Luke.

"Continue," Kelly said. She was curious as to what he was getting at.

Luke closed his eyes before speaking, "Since that's the case, I wanted to say that you're pretty important to me. You know? I tell you everything and you tell me everything. That's pretty fucking awesome."

"It is."

"I don't know what I'm even saying, but what I'm trying to get at is... Will you go on a date with me Kelly? Like in the game?" Luke laughed to himself at how stupid that sounded. He was actually really nervous about asking her because Kelly was pretty unpredictable.

Kelly choked on her own spit, surprised by his request. Did Luke just ask her on a date? That would be a first. How sad would that be? Your first date being in a video game. But she didn't care because her first date would be with Luke. The silence over the headset was making Luke fidget in his spot. "Kelly?" He squeaked.

Kelly laughed at how nervous he sounded, "Of course you idiot. Now where are we going?"

Luke relaxed. She didn't turn him down like he has expected her to. He drove them in a big circle, realizing he has yet to answer her question. "Oh. Oh. We, uh, we're going to the pier."

Kelly couldn't stop smiling. This was adorable and that fact Luke had planned it on his own made her happy. "We could even go to the carnival!" Luke shouted sounding like a child on christmas morning.

"Can we put sticky bombs on the roller coaster?" Kelly asked. She enjoyed watching the people start running around in panic. It was really funny to watch.

Luke scoffed, "Obviously."


Luke drove their car onto the pier, almost hitting into a hotdog cart. They ran around for a bit, until Kelly stopped at the mask shop. She had never actually bought a mask in this game before, so she wanted to try it out. Luke also went into the store.

"Can I tell you something?" Kelly asked shifting through the possible masks.

"Anything," Luke said buying a skeleton mask that he thought looked cool.

Kelly paused for a moment. Was she really about to tell him this? He would probably think of her as complete loser. "I've never been on a date before. So this is, uh, my first actual date."

Luke's eyes grew wide, "What?"

"Yup," she mumbled.

"Are you serious? This is awful! I mean, I'm flattered that I'm the first guy you've been out with... If this is even considered that," Luke rambled, "But you just - I just - how?"

Kelly giggled quietly. She didn't think he would react this way. Maybe a laugh, but not with shock.

"I guess I'm just not anyone's type," Kelly said softly. It was actually really sad. Kelly didn't have the highest confidence to begin with, but now that she came to this conclusion it made things worse. What if no guy would ever really like her? She didn't want to end up like mother. A divorced and bitter woman. If Kelly would even get married. Luke went silent.

Did she scare him away? Kelly huffed and started to have her character run away from the mask place. She wanted to kill someone to get her frustrations out. But suddenly Luke's voice made Kelly take three steps back.

"You're my type."


that was supposed to be cute but I probably failed at it oops

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