The News

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"Alright class, I have something to tell you." Miss Horets says. "For your year 12 camp you guys are going to Paris for a month." Miss says it like she's French.
"Sweet." Harry yells out. "This is going to be awesome." I pull Harry's hands down as they were in the air.
"Anyway, you guys will go with no teachers and you will get 20,000 dollars to spent. That includes accommodation, food, flights and rides, if you run out of money it's not our problem. You will be leaving next week, Friday, after you have handed your permission slips in. I will all see you next week, Monday, good-bye." The bell rings and Miss dismiss us.

"This is going to be the best camp ever." I say to Harry as we put our books away.
"Yea will have so much fun, maybe you might find someone special." He says.
"And maybe you will finally ask Missy out because you have been says that you will do it, for weeks." I say grabbing my lunch money.
"Maybe?" He says poking his tongue out. "Anyway want me to get you your lunch." he asks holding out his hand. "Yes, please the usual." I say sitting down next to my BFF. "Hey MK."
"Hey T, I herd you talking to Harry, is he going to ask Missy out in France?" Mickayla asks.
"Maybe?" I say as Harry comes over with our food. "Thanks Harry, you should good sit with the girls and Ben, Mark and Oliver." I say opening my salad up.

 "Is that alright with you guys?" He stands up.
"Yes." Mickayla says and I nod. He walks over to the big group of girls and three boys. All of a sudden Missy is walking around to us holding a stack of papers. "Hi Missy." I say.
"Hey guys. The office told me to give these out to the whole class." Missy says as I take two papers, one for me and one for MK. "They are the permission slips and what to know about the trip, this is going to be the best trip ever." She squeals.
"Yea it is. Thanks Missy." I say as she turn around.
"Thanks." Mickayla says. I read the note.
Dear Year 12,
You are invited to go to Paris, France, for you school year camp. This is a one year thing so no more classes are going to be going to Paris. You will need to hand this permission slip in this week, Friday, 10/09/2018 and you will be leave the following week 17/09/2018, thank you and I hope all of you can go. When you get back there will only be two weeks of school left and you will have a class party for all you teachers on the last day of school. You will get $20,00 and if you spend it all then you in deep trouble and we are not giving anymore out. On the next page is a list rule so take them carefully in because if you brake them then you will have to pay us $1,000. Thanks for you time on reading this page, carefully.

Saint River Side, thank you Miss Tingoo.

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