Horse Date

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"Adam, wake up." I say as I sit up.
"Morning beautiful." He says sitting up. I blush, he leans in and kisses my lips. I pull away and he looks at me puzzled, "Morning breath, trust me you don't want to kiss me." He leans in again.
"I always want to kiss you." He kisses me again. We spilt and he lays back down, "What time is it?"
"5:24, time to get up and go for a ride." I say.
"Do I have to get up?" He asks rolling over.
"How about I make you some coffee and you get dressed." I say getting up. He grunts and gets up. I walk out to the beautiful house, and again its so lit. I struggle to make coffee as this is my first morning here but I do and its one of the best coffees I ever had. "Coffee." Adam says wrapping his arms around my waste. I hand him the coffee and we sit on the grey sofa. "Last night, you opened up to me." He says, "How do you feel?"
"I don't know? That is my biggest secret and I hadn't even told Mickayla about it. I want to be every  time I find the courage I chicken out." I pause, "I'm sorry for dragging you into this." I sit waiting for answer but all I get is a soft lips on mine. "Hey, you didn't drag me into this, I chose this." He says. "I love you."
"I love you too." I put down my coffee and climb on to him. I kiss his lips and he holds me tight. "I really do and I thank you, too." He pushes of my dressing gown and I un-button his shirt but...
"Oh, sorry, am I interrupting something." Julie walks in. I jump of Adam and put my dressing gown back on. "No, sorry, I'm gonna go get changed." I say quickly. I walk to my room so embarrassed. I change into my farm t-shirt. It was blue and black and then into my dark blue jeans. I un-do my hair and then brush it out. Then there's a knock at my door. "Come in." I say. AdM walks in and comes over to me. He wraps her arms around my waist and kisses my neck. "Ready to go?" He asks.
"Yeah, let me do my hair and brush my hair. You go get the horses ready." I say.
"Ok." He walks out and I braid my hair. I quickly run into the bathroom and do everything I need to do in there. I walk out the back door and say goodbye to Julie, I put on my boots and walkout to the stables. "Hey, honey. Who am I riding?" I ask, giving him a hug from behind.
"Ummm... you can ride, ah, don't judge his name, my brother named him." He pauses. "Nut Job, he his the horse you will be riding."
"Nut Job?" I laugh. "Who names there horse that?"
"My brother, he named him that 2 year after of him been called Buddy but my brother really thought he was a nut job." He says pulling me over to the horse. "Here he is." I started at the beautiful flee-bitten grey pony.
"He's beautiful." I say.
"Just like you." Adam wraps his arms around me and kisses my neck. "Anyway ready?"
"Yes." I say grabbing Nut and hoping onto him. "I can call him Nut, right?" I ask. "Yes." Adam laughs. We mount and start our trail. "Race ya, to the first paddock. Loser makes lunch." Adam says.
"No, this is the first time I have rode Nut." I explain.
"3...2...1... Go." He takes off.
"What the fu..." I bolt after him. He turns around to see me but I'm ahead of him. This piney is fast. "So who's make lunch... that's right, you are."
"Now are you made at my for the race." He jokes.
"Hell narh, this thing is fast." I laugh. I lean over and kiss his perfect lips. "Sorry, baby."

The rest of the day was pretty normal. As planed Adam made me lunch and then we spent the rest of the day in the pool. When night fell, I made dinner. "Wow, this is the best dinner I ever had." Adrian exclaims. "Make dinner for us tomorrow, please." He begs.
"Yes of course. I'll even make some meals so you can freeze them." I say.

We ate chit-chatting until it was time for bed. Adam took me to my room and said goodnight. He planted a kiss on my head before leaving. Then I tried getting some sleep.

A nightmare wakes me, causing me to gasp for air. My door swings open and Adam rushes in. "Hey," He says, I start to cry. "Shhh, don't worry I'm here." He climbs into bed and holds me tight, resting his chin on the top of my head. I cry even more, tears coming out, me not trying to stop them. "Shhh, calm down, I got you." He kisses the top of my head, rocking me. Eventually, I fall into a quite but restless sleep.

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