Chapter 19

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Optimus did arrive this time, on the back of the dragon

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Optimus did arrive this time, on the back of the dragon.
He jumped off just as all the little Unicron-looking mechs combined to make one huge, ugly guy. He looked like what humans would call a Minatour.
I watched as Optimus slid on his shield to nearly take out the combiner's legs, then climb up his back-plates and stab his sword into its helm.
"You, ugly mess!" I heard him say.
Another surviving Vehicon snuck up behind me, but I just shot my fist up near my helm and hit him in the face-plates, without taking my optics off Optimus. The Vehicon stumbled and landed on a spike I had made come out of the ground behind me. Exactly where I calculated he would fall.
The huge combiner seemed to shatter into the little mechs again and they all charged Optimus.
"Do you forget, who I am?" Optimus growled.
The mechs roared and leapt at him, but Optimus did an impressive 360° degree spin with his sword and decapitated all of them.
"I, am Optimus Prime!" he said.
I ran up to him,"The Pits took you so long?"
"We were getting delayed by fighter ship power and the cannon," Optimus replied.
"You could've at least answered your comm," I scowled.
Optimus' optics twinkled, and I assumed he was smiling beneath his mask.
"I was otherwise occupied."
I snorted and rolled my optics. I was trying to be sarcastic, but my spark betrayed me by glowing warmly in my chest.
Optimus looked up,"Autobots, attack!"
We pushed for the ignition chamber, only to find the soldiers had fallen back to the edge of the land.
"Where is Viviane?!" Optimus shouted.
"They're chickenin' out!" Hound replied.
"Mademoiselle, don't go!" Hotrod called.
I whirled around to see all but two figures leap off the edge. Those two figures were Viviane and Cade.
"Larkspur!" I shouted and the cyber-dragon appeared on my shoulder-plate, chirping.
"Go and teleport those two here," I ordered, but kindly.
Larkspur chirped again and was gone in a puff of smoke. Then there was another puff and the cyber-dragon, Viviane, and Cade came through. Cade was used to the smoke teleportation, but Viviane wasn't and looked a little confused.
"Yes! My little lady!" Hotrod exclaimed happily.
I noticed out the corner of my optic, missiles hitting a nearby piece of land's vines, and it began to swing towards us.
"Everyone get inside, now!" I shouted and grabbed the humans.
We barely managed to all get inside before that piece of land collided with the one we were on. The force sent all of us flying and I sensed we were falling.
The whole chamber tilted and I lost my footing, dropping Cade and Viviane.
I dug my claws into the floor, leaving deep scratch marks, but I stopped sliding.
Then Hound nearly rolled over me, which made me let go unintentionally.
I slid down, which was luckily bringing my closer to Quintessa, who was channeling a large amount of energy from the staff into herself, trying to bring Cybertron back together.
I jumped off the slanted floor and deployed my wings. I aimed straight for Quintessa.
I nearly reached her, but the small femme flicked her tiny digits and a wave of electricity shot through me, momentarily glitching out my systems.
And it hurt! Like fire was racing through my very veins. I let out a loud screech and collapsed on the floor again, but someone grabbed me before I could slide anymore.
When my optics recovered from the shock, the Shockwave-looking mech was holding me.
"Hello, lovely," he smiled,"thought you might enjoy some...handsomer company."
I punched him in the side of the helm and back-flipped out his arms.
We were now weightless, as the ignition chamber began falling through nothingness.
I spread my wings to give myself at least a little boost and fired an arrow at the one-optic mech. It lodged into his chest-plate just below his neck-cables with a splatter of energon.
Megatron tackled me out of the air and slammed me on the ground, twisting one of my wings painfully behind my back.
"Where is Blue Moon?" he snarled.
I spat,"As if I would tell you."
Megatron stood up, with his one servo gripping my neck-cables tightly and began to lift me.
Because we were basically weightless now, that didn't do much, but he was squeezing hard. I could feel my hollow neck-bones straining. My neck-cables and respiratory system were both cut off from circulation and I was starting to see flashes of white and black dots.
I couldn't speak, only make strangled noises. Megatron shifted his digits slightly and I knew...he was going to snap my neck.
"Prime, say good-bye to your Tibaksi!" Megatron shouted.
"I stop the time!" Hotrod shouted and fired his gun.
Me and Megatron were surrounded by a blue field. I could feel the mech's digits very slowly pushing against my neck, trying to break them.
I heard someone say, very slowly,"Take that blubble-head!"
Then the blue field disappeared and Megatron was jolted to one side before he could snap my neck.
Someone grabbed my arm and carefully dragged me into a corner.
I barely noticed. I was gasping and coughing as circulation and oxygen filled my respiratory system again. I coughed up a little energon, but not a lot.
There was a loud commotion in front of me, but I barely noticed.
When I finally did recover, Megatron was pressing Optimus' own sword against the Prime's neck-cables.
"We were brothers once!" Megatron hissed.
"Once," Optimus said, then kicked up with his peds and knocked the mech off.
Megatron stumbled a little. Then Optimus kicked him again and sent his former brother through the wall and out into nowhere-land.
Optimus glanced at ne quickly,"Are you alright?"
"Feeling better now," I replied, giving him a thumbs up.
Then Aura cried out in pain and I turned just in time to see the Shockwave mech slam her helm against the wall.
I hissed and pounced. He was only a short distance from me.
I lodged my claws into his back-plates and he screeched in pain, lurching away from Aura.
I yanked my claws out, at the same time spinning him to face me.
I bared my fangs and hissed threateningly.
The mech aimed a gun at me and fired, and missed as I dodged the blast.
I kicked off the floor to land behind him again and he spun around.
His optic widened in surprise and pain, then he looked down, where my servo was buried deep inside his spark-chamber.
I could feel his spark beating as I wrapped my claws around it.
"N-no," the mech said, dropping to his knees,"Please."
I looked at him coldly,"You harm my friends you pay the price."
I retracted my servo fast and tore his spark out. The mech face-planted, dead.
I then threw the dead spark at Quintessa!
It hit her in the side, which provided Viviane enough distraction to grab the staff.
Optimus flew out of nowhere and hit Quintessa with the flat of his blade.
"Traitor!" she cried and stopped him with painful lightening.
I climbed up a nearby statue and met Optimus' optics with mine.
"Say hello to my Sparkmate," Optimus growled, straining against the lightening,"Orchid."
I pounced and hit the femme with all my strength.
To make the fight slightly more fair I shrank down to Quintessa's size and punched her in the face-plates.
"You shall die, foolish one," Quintessa growled, charging up her servos with energy.
"Wouldn't be the first time," I replied.
Before Quintessa could attack me, I slammed my claws into her side and tore four deep scratch marks into her silver armor. Odd, white-ish energon leaked out.
Then I hit her on her other side, but with a fistfull of acid.
Quintessa screamed as the green substance melted through her armor and into her more delicate wiring.
I pulled out my staff and jabbed the sharp end through her mid-section and into the floor. White energon was everywhere. I wanted to make sure this hurt. So Quintessa would know what she had put me and Optimus through.
Quintessa choked and coughed up some energon.
Spikes came out of the floor around me. Though I wanted to keep hurting her, we needed to get out before we all died.
I used all my powers. My phsycic ability to make the spikes float and sim straight at Quintessa, then my acidic ability to tip the ends with acid.
Quintessa's optics widened and she struggled in vain to pull my staff out of her mid-section.
"You will harm us no more," I growled and made a sweeping gesture with my arm.
Three large spikes tipped with deadly acid shot into the former goddess. One in her dress thing, one just above my staff in her chest-plate, and the last one straight through her helm.
I walked up and yanked my staff out. It was covered in white energon, which I easily wiped off and re-sheathed the weapon.
"Orchid, time to go!" Optimus shouted.
I grew back to my full size and flew out with the femmes. The mechs had already left on a couple stolen fighter ships.
The whole of that piece of land crumbled once it hit Earth. Cybertron, was now a part if this planet.
Suddenly a horrifying realization hit me.
I hadn't seen him get out, or Cade or Viviane!
I was going to fly back and search, but then I saw him driving out of the dust.
I breathed a sigh of relief. He was okay.
I landed just as Optimus reached us.
He transformed after Cade and Viviane had gotten out and smiled slightly.
Aura hugged her brother tightly and laughed.
Everyone was happy. Lennox and his men had already met us there, and Izabella was overjoyed to see Squeeks safe and sound.
Optimus walked over to me and held my servo. Not in like a subtle way, he actually just held it.
I smiled at him and he smiled at me.
Then I felt a servo on the back of my helm and saw Kamicazii out the corner of my optic just before pushed mine and Optimus' helms together.
Our lips met, in front of everybody, and I quickly pulled away, embarrassed.
Kamicazii laughed,"Just kiss already! Everyone knows you guys are Sparkmates now."
I blushed, but felt Optimus wrap his arms around my waist and pull me close.
I looked into his optics and blushed a little more.
Optimus kissed me, right there, in front of everyone.
But I honestly didn't care.
We were safe, happy, and rid of Quintessa forever. We could live on both Earth and Cybertron now.
I softly touched my stomach and smiled onto Optimus' lips.
I couldn't wait to be a mother.

            The End....

Author's Note: Another book done! But there's one more. It's called, "Why I Fell in Love With You". It tells about how each femme and mech in this series fell in love, and when Orchid and Optimus' sparkling is born.
I hope you enjoyed this book, I know I did.
I will notify you once my new book is out. I don't know when, but I'll tell you once I've got the first few chapters in okay?
Love you guys!

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