Chapter 11

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Optimus kissed me for what felt like only a couple milliseconds before I just felt cold air on my lips

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

Optimus kissed me for what felt like only a couple milliseconds before I just felt cold air on my lips. A cold air that mysteriously blew past me.
I opened my optics and saw only the castle wall beside me. Optimus was gone again.
But at least I knew he was still here, and if I missed him, then Larkspur could simply fall asleep on Optimus' shoulder-plate and we could talk.
Oh yeah, and Hotrod was probably in real deep scrap by now.😂
Then I heard it.
The sound of police sirens. Not just any police sirens, they sounded more friendly. These were TRF sirens.
I felt something cold brush against my arm and assumed it was Optimus.
"TRF are coming," I whispered fearfully,"We need to go, now."
I sprinted out into the open and headed in the direction I had last seen my friends head.
They saw me from underneath a tree and waved me over, oblivious to the imminent danger approaching.
"Orchid, where were y-?" Kamicazii was about to ask but I cut her off.
"TRF are coming, we need to get out if here now," I said.
Hotrod's optics widened,"Sacre-bleu! I shall alert Monsieur Witwiccan immediately!"
The mech ran off and I ushered Kamicazii and Bee towards the gate.
"How did they find us?" Kamicazii whined,"We never get to do anything fun."
"I don't know, but keep going," I replied.
We reached the gate at about the same time as Hotrod, Cogsman, and another elderly mech.
"I've got 'em, boys!" the mech cried as TRF vans pulled up, but promptly tripped over his own shaky peds and landed on his face-plates with a surprised,"Eowf!"
Hotrod aimed an unusual gun I had never seen before at the approaching men,"Go! My weapon will stop the time!"
He fired and a large bubble appeared around the men, making them all move in slow motion.
"Haha! Einstein would've been tickled pink!" Cogsman laughed while trying to calm a small fluffy dog,"Foofoo!"
I helped the elderly mech up.
"Sir, you need to get yourself and all other Cybertronians taking refuge here to safety," I said.
"Do I know you?" the mech asked, scratching his helm,"You have a pretty aft."
I rapped his helm a couple times with my digits,"Sir! I need you to get the other Cybertronians out of here. Do you understand?"
The mech shook his helm,"Ay, I heard you this first time, miss."
He shambled off as fast as he could, hopefully to follow my orders and not take a nap in the daisies.
"Come on, quickly! This way!" Cogsman shouted.
We all transformed and drove away from the castle as quickly as we could without breaking the speed limit too much.
Once we got into a large English city, the cops got involved and started chasing us. To make matters worse, I spotted Barricade following as well.
Bee had taken Cade and Viviane and I was following Kamicazii with Cogsman driving a snazzy red car behind me.
"Bee, I'm going to divert the cops!" I heard Hotrod shout through the commlink.
In my left rearview mirror, I saw the orange and black Lamborghini turn off the highway to zoom away from us. A couple police cars followed, but the others were still pursuing.
"Orchid, I'll take them away, you stick with Bee," Kamicazii told me.
"Don't do anything stupid and get yourself hurt or captured, girl, or how else am I gonna explain it to your mech-friend?" I teased.
Kamicazii laughed through the comm and made a sharp turn in front of me.
I spun around her and continued after Bee.
This was getting to be one interesting day, that was for certain.
We parked outside a large building, which Viviane told us was her home. She brought Cade and my holoform inside to look for clues for the staff.
Apparently her family was home, and playing some sort of card game.
"Hello , everybody! This is Cade and Orchid, Cade, Orchid, meet my family," Viviane introduced us.
The four or five elderly women seemed in awe of Cade.
"Hello," they all said admiringly.
"Hi," he replied awkwardly.
"Hi, I'm Marie," one of the women introduced herself. She had short brown hair, warm gray eyes and large glasses. I liked her straight away.
Cade took the woman's hand and shook it.
Marie blusged,"Oh, hands like rough old maple."
"Do you have a dungeon?" another of the women asked.
"Don't touch him," Viviane said, sounding suddenly quite protective of the man,"I'm uh, going to go get changed."
"And you, dearie?" the youngest-looking of the women asked as Viviane rushed upstairs.
"Pardon?" I asked.
"What's your name?"
"I am Orchid Fantada," I replied, using my old Earth name.
"Pretty name," Marie commented.
"Are you a Lesbian?" one of the women asked. She had been the one asking if Cade had a dungeon.
My mouth dropped open,"Ma'am! I most certainly am not!"
"Oh, great, Lucy, now you've p***ed her off," another woman grumbled.
Luckily then Viviane came downstairs, in a white blouse and dark jeans this time. She brought us upstairs, which was almost the same as downstairs, only no crazy ekderly women asking about Lesbians or dungeons.
(No offense intended to any Lesbians reading this book)
"My dad had a lot of stuff," Viviane said, leading us to a door at the end of an elaborate hallway.
"So what are we looking for, like a book a map or---holy s***!" Cade said as Viviane opened the door,"It'll take us a year to find something in here!"
Viviane's father's study was big. Like, really big. Each wall was covered by bookshelves and regular shelves with statues, ancient figurines, and artifacts from exotic places. There was a lone desk on the middle of the room covered with papers, photographs, and more artifacts.
It reminded me a lot of Agent Simmons' study, only much bigger and it didn't smell like pig. More like dusty paper.
"I don't know where this staff is," Viviane was saying.
Cade picked up a large ceramic horse,"Look at this little horse it's probably stuffed up it's butt or something. Guys do stupid stuff like that all the time."
Before I could point out the fact that Cade was a guy, he smashed the ceramic object on the floor.
They began pulling paintings off the walls, ripping them. They pulled drawers out of the desk and dumped the contents out on the floor.
From my opinion, this would only create a huge mess and not get them anywhere.
"Hey, Orchid, you gonna help?" Cade asked.
I calmly walked over and plucked a photo off the desk and flipped it over in front of the two humans.
"If you two hadn't been tearing up the place like a couple of hooligans, you might've found this before I did," I said.
Viviane snatched the photo out my hand and read the words on the back aloud,"Viviane followed Merlin."
"My secret cupboard!" she exclaimed.
Viviane got Cade to help her push over a bookcase to reveal a hidden cupboard behind it, creating even more of a mess.
Viviane pulled out a pop-up picture book and turned to a chapter called 'Viviane Followed Merlin'. There she yanked out the little tab used to pop up the picture.
"Navy Museum?" Cade read aloud.
"Ugh, it was in my hands all along!" Viviane sighed before stuffing the little slip of paper into her jeans pocket.
"FBI open up!" came a loud shout from downstairs.
I swore, then looked at Cade and Viviane,"You got a back door?"
Viviane nodded.
"Good, I'll hold them off, you get out of here. I'll catch up later," I said before marching out of the room.
I met two male humans in tough police armor in the hallway.
One of them swung a baton at me, but I caught his arm and twisted it behind his back, rolling over him and kicking the other man in the stomach in the process.
Another man stormed up the stairs, yelling.
I held onto the first man's arm and swung him into the third man, sending both of them tumbling down the stairs to wipe out seven more coming up.
The second man, had gotten up, and threw a bust at me.
I ducked and kicked him sharply in the leg.
The man's leg buckled and he fell to one knee, but he pulled out a gun and prepared to fire.
I grabbed his gun-hand and twisted it to the side, firing the bullet harmlessly into the wall. I then snapped my knee forwards and it connected with the man's jaw.
There was a loud crack and red blood spilled onto my holoform's white pant leg from the man's mouth. He wasn't dead, but he also wouldn't want to talk for a few weeks now.
I did a backflip away from that man to kick another man who had managed to scramble over the pile of tangled limbs at the bottom of the stairs and was making his way up.
The man ducked and swung at my leg with a baton.
The metal rod connected with a loud 'thwack!' and pain lanced up my leg. I collapsed with a hiss of pain, but also struck out with my other leg, tripping the man.
He didn't fall down the stairs sadly, but he did hit his head quite hard on the stair railing.
I got up. My leg hurt and I would probably be limping 'till I fixed it, but I could still fight pretty well.
The man recovered fast and punched at my mid-section.
I caught him by the wrist and rolled across his shoulders, dragging his arm into a very uncomfortable position.
Then I kicked him as hard as I could between his legs.
The man let out a very un-manlike scream and keeled over, clutching himself.
I stepped over the man and all the others and walked out the front door like a boss.

Until We Next Meetजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें