"What's so funny?" Nate asks, watching us Lily and I laugh as we glance at Nate.

"Think you should ask Dan." Lily says, controlling her laughter.

"Well, I might've made your character a little gay. I hope that's okay." Dan explains a little nervous.

"Do I have game? " Nate asks

"Oh, definitely." Dan responds

"I'm cool with that." Nate says, nodding his head.

At least I know Dan didn't write about my relationship with Nate, he may just be the gay best friend.

"Why didn't you tell me you were writing this? This is is amazing." I say to Dan, rising up from beside Lily.

"I was gonna ask you co-write with me actually but then..." Dan began with a smile but it faded quickly as he drifted off.

"Then what?" I ask, my eyebrows lowering.

"I didn't." Dan responds, clearing his throat. There was something in his eyes that made it obvious there was an actual reason. A reason he chose not to say but it made me feel curious and slightly offended.

Nate noticed it as well, his expression reflecting off of mine.

"Am I even in here?" Logan asks, flipping through the book. His eyebrows knitted together as his eyes remain on the book.

"Uh yeah. You're Landon Newport." Dan responds with a light chuckle.

"Oh." Logan says as he settles on a page of the book, his eyebrows unknit and raise slightly "Oh." He says but in a more satisfied tone.

I walk to Nate, kneeling beside the armchair he sits in. I rests my arms on the armrest and lay my chin on my fist. His blue eyes divert to me, a smile on his face.

"Yes, LouLou?" He asks

"Don't say that." I say disapprovingly as I scrunch my nose in disgust.

"Fine." He chuckles "What's up?"

Before I could thank Nate for helping me control the false engagement news, Rufus speaks of it obviously uninformed" Oh, hey. I never got to congratulate you two on the engagement, congratulations!" A toothy grin across Rufus's face.

That horrible feeling returned to my stomach, the humiliation and annoyance.

"Actually Rufus..." Lily began with a worried look.

"We're not engaged." Nate clarifies, chuckling. First time he has found humor in it, should I as well because I think it's horrible.

Rufus's eyebrows knit together in confusion, he points to the engagement ring on my finger.

"I'm engaged but not to Nate." I say, pointing to Nate. My eyes flicker to Logan who watches us, we had distracted him from his reading as the book still remains open in his hands. "To Logan." My finger pointing over to Logan.

Rufus's lips form into an 'O' shape "Oh, Lena I'm sorry..." He began.

"It's fine, Rufus. I understand, you're not the first." I say with a reassuring smile as I rise up from my knees.

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