ch: 8

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Hello sorry this took a while I've been sick and I couldn't write when I wanted to cause I had to go to the hospital for a head MRI cause I have really bad head problems so who knows I might have to get brain surgery but whatever at least my head will start throbbing. Anyway enough about me let's get to the story

Keith's pov.

As we were laying there we heard something from the other side of the water fall we both sat up griping each other's hands tighter. We inch closer to the water fall and get to a part that we could see through, when we looked out it was a deer smelling out bags, we sighed then started laughing.

We swam around for a bit longer than decided we should probably head back home, we got out from behind the water fall and lance started swimming towards the opposite side that you need to go to, to get out, I whistle at him and he turns around looking confused I just point behind my back to the way out and he says "oh" and then swims towards me. once we are out we get changed and start to head back once we are back at the path I get the feeling that someone was watching me and tensed up I think lance noticed cause he put his arm around me and pulled me closer to him. After about a minute I calmed down, I mean after all it's not like someone else can be out here, right?

We het home and as soon as we open the door we were met with a dog tackle, I'm so glad that lance was behind me cause if he wasn't there to catch me the fall would be really painful, once I have my balance back I let Cosmo out cause she had to use the washroom we walk inside after locking the door once she came back in we went upstairs to put the dirty clothes in the basket and to get ready for dinner.

It was too late to try to make something for dinner so we decide to order pizza cause why not. While we were waiting we decided to pick a movie lance chose poltergeist witch I was fine with and only about ten minutes after ordering the pizza the doorbell rang me and lance looked at each other confused and start to walk towards the door I looked through the peep hole and I see shiro, I open the door and he runs in and locks the door behind him and starts running around the house. I immediately know what is going on, I grab lances hand and run to the basement once we get down stairs lance looks at me concerned I hug him and just say "I'm sorry I'm so, so sorry, I'm sorry you were dragged into this." I started to cry uncontrollably and he just hugs back tighter and rubs soothing circles into my back while saying things like "it's ok" and "you didn't drag me into anything"

We walk over to the couch and after a bit shiro comes down stairs and sits across from us he sighs and looks at me with sad eyes and says "Keith I'm so sorry I hoped that we would never have to actually do this, but we have to go onto full lockdown mode" I grip lances hand really hard by accident but he didn't mind he looks at shiro and asks "what is full lockdown mode?" me and shiro look at each other and have an eye conversation about who will say I eventually look back done signaling for him to speak.

He looks back at lance and says "we created full lockdown mode just in case lotor went overboard on what he does, like if he got an army or if he brings weapons into things, its basically no one can enter or leave the house unless it's me, Adam or allura we all have keys to the house so you are not allowed to answer the door no matter what, and if things get worse Keith has secret safe rooms all over the house" lances face fills with shock and he hesitantly asks "what di lotor do?" shiro looked at me and said "are you sure you want to hear it?" I nod and he sighs "lotor decided it was a good idea to bring some friends to allura's work they asked all kinds of questions about you and... allura could see that at least two of them including lotor had knives" I look up at shiro and say "what! Is she ok?" he nodded and said "ya she got away unharmed, but still they are dangerous so neither of you will leave this house" after he said that the doorbell rang his eyes widened but I told him it was just our food.

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