"How could you Violet?" He looked so heart broken and I really didn't know what to say. I mean seriously, what would you say if you were in a situation like this? 'Oops my bad, but I really didn't like you the way you liked me. I hope we can still be friends.' I was at a loss here.

"Kyle I- erm...I"

"Forget it Violet. I would have expected something like this from Terry, but not from you." He said, making me feel lower than dirt. He turned around and stormed off.

I sighed at the memory; Kyle still hasn't spoken to me or even acknowledged me when I sat right next to him in some of our classes.

Then if things couldn't get any worse two days ago, Terry accused me of cursing her that time in the cafeteria. She said that I said some funny mumbo jumbo words before I ran off, now weird things are happening around her, doors slamming by themselves, things moving around or going missing. She then accused me of being a witch in front of the entire school and ran away like a weirdo. What did I do? I stared at her with my mouth hanging open. I mean seriously, being accused of witch craft in this day and age is kind of loony, even for Terry.

I still hadn't told anyone that I'm the Ghost chaser and it was hell keeping quiet while people speculated on who it might be, if it was one our towns residents or a passerby who just happened upon the body or someone that just accidentally stumbled upon the body and didn't want to deal with the police so she created this elaborate story about Maria's ghost leading her to the body.  Whenever someone would bring up the Ghost chaser I would either leave the conversation, making up an excuse to leave or change the subject. The last thing I wanted was to be reminded of the whole ordeal.

The days started to feel longer than the last and the nightmares still came, but not every night like it did in the beginning. I hated those nights, I kept wondering if it was real, if I would see that persons ghost and they would lead me to their body too. Ethan would sneak into my room most nights, but some nights and some days, he would stay away, he never says where he goes or what he does...

I hope I haven't scared him off. He always looks like he's lost in his thoughts, and sometimes I would catch him staring at me with sadness in his eyes.

I walked up to my locker and tiredly spun the dial to open it. Putting my books away I noticed the kid next to me. I don't see him much, he's always hanging out in the dark with his dark make up and his long lank hair hanging in his eyes. His name was Shaun, and he didn't really have any friends, he mostly kept to himself and didn't say much. He wasn't always like this, I remember a time when Shaun was always laughing and playing around with the guys, and then all of a sudden he just... withdrew. Talking to no-one, he started wearing a lot of black and skipping classes. I often thought of what could have happened to him to cause him to pull away from everyone, including his friends and becoming our schools only Goth.

I peeked over into his locker, because I had never seen the inside of his locker, even though we were locker neighbors, he was just never around when I was and I was kind of curious to see what a guy like Shaun would have in his locker. I saw a picture of Shaun, what he used to look like before all the black and the make-up, he was smiling, while a little girl squeezed his waist smiling up at him. I immediately recognized the little girl,

"Hey, that's Anna." I blurted out looking a little closer at the picture.

He slammed his locker closed and he glared at me, staring me in the eyes menacingly.

"And how do you know her?" He sneered.

"I-I met her when I was at the hospital." He looked shocked, his mouth popping open then closed like a fish.

"Y-you met her when you were at the hospital? When was this?" He asked curiously, he looked like there where a thousand emotions running through him in that one moment.

The Reaper's Keeper (UNEDITED)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant