Jr. Stark on an Adventure!(i made the title)

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Second, THIS BOOK IS ON #2 Stark!!!! CAN WE MAKE IT #1?! LET'S TRY! 

Third, I made this title since the author who made this one-shot hasn't finished there story, and Forth... 


THANK YOU A TON @Button_Berry , FOR SENDING YOUR ONE-SHOT😁! GO CHECK OUT (his or her sorry dont know if your a girl or boy 😅) THERE ACCOUNT, READ AND VOTE THERE BOOKS, AND FOLLOW THEM!

Also PS, If you have any One-shots you would like me to post on, just text me on inbox, and with your permission, I'll make sure it will be posted and become a well known AMAZING One-Shot!

One more thing, DO. NOT. TEXT. HATE. TOWARDS THIS ONE-SHOT AND IT'S AUTHOR! It's not done yet! But will be very very very soon! Also if you have any questions about this one-shot, go text @Button_Berry in the ibox and feel free to text them questions about this AMAZING One-Shot! 😉

Hope you enjoy! 😃


This chapter will have Peter and Tony with a father son bond, Peter is called mini-stark or Jr. Also in this story, my oc will be in this just for this story, that's what he's wearing and the sweater is one of Tonys old sweaters.

Also Spideypool.

Peter has been through many things fearless, but scared of a field trip to stark tower.

'Ok class, we won a trip to Stark industry!' The class started to cheer out in joy while Peter stomach fell. 'HEY PENIS! READY TO LEARN THAT YOUR INTERSHIP IS A LIE!?' Flash Thompson yelled. Flash is Peter's bully, he loves to pick on him. 

Ned and Peter rolled there eyes and talked. Soon the teacher pulled Peter away and said ' Peter I'm sorry but you can't go.' 'what!? Why?' Peter asks in shock. 'you don't have perfect attendance and 3 of them were weren't told of.' Peter sighs and leaves.


I was staying at Stark Tower while I was sick. I didn't want to rest so I helped people out, sickness didn't stop me from helping everyone. I sat in the living room of the home if the avengers, that was on the 100th floor. Steve was making some hot cocoa for Pete as the kid was sick. 'here kid' Steve said softly as he handed the drink to him. Peter took the drink and let out a muffled thanks form behind his mask. He soon said bye to Steve and left to go help Tony with something in his lab. 'Hey Tony' Peter said with a smile as he walked into his lab. 'hey underoos' Tony said with a smile. They worked for three hours when Nat walked in 'hey Tony, hey Маленький паук(Little spider

(the end for now!)


Well, It was short, but good! The author is still working on it, so I'll keep you guys updated on it! 

And it also has Spideypool! That's even better, soooo worth the wait! Right? Am i right? (i can already see people shaming me... Or am i wrong? 😕)

Whelp, see you next time, don't forget to check out @Button_Berry , and follow her(ima call you a girl for now 😅 since im a girl)! Till next time my SPODDER FAMILY!  (or should i say spider-man's spooder family? Oh well...)

PEACE ~ 🕸🕷🕸

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