Peter Parker is Spiderman manymessyfandoms

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Something wasn't right with Peter.

He could feel it, bone deep. He was tired, and he wasn't eating. Every time he closed his eyes, he was underneath that building again, gasping for breath as he clutched onto life. It made his senses feel like they were dialed to an eleven, and it made rest impossible.

Peter didn't think it was an issue. It sucked, waking up after an hour of sleep with a racing heart and tears in his eyes, but worse things could've happened. He just... he just couldn't shake off the feeling of the weight on his chest.

"Dude, what's your problem?" Ned asked one day at school. "You're so jumpy."

Peter's startled jump hadn't done anything to support his next words. "I'm fine, Ned."

"No, you're not," Michelle said, sitting next to him at lunch. "Something's wrong."

Peter groaned. "MJ, I'm totally okay. Nothing's-" Peter broke off as his Spidey senses went off. "Something's wrong."

Ned laughed a little. "That's what we're saying."

Peter's head whipped around the room, and he ignored whatever else Michelle and Ned were saying as he looked for whatever was making the hair on his arms stand up.

"Peter?" Peter ignored MJ's look of confusion as his head scanned the room. He discreetly activated his web shooters.

Peter blamed the fatigue for his next actions.

He was so wired that he convinced himself there was an immediate danger, when in reality, it was only just a loose light fixture. If Peter had been himself, he could've easily pinned down the issue and gotten everyone out of the way, but instead, his sensory overload had him spiraling, still trying to figure out what was going on when a loud crack sounded, and the light was plunging towards a table filled with students.

"Look out!" Peter barely heard the words yelled from startled kids as he jumped onto the table, holding up the giant light with one hand. Without even thinking, he webbed himself away from his peers, and safely placed the light aside.

"That was close," Peter said, not fully comprehending the gaping looks he was getting. "What's..." He trailed off when he saw Ned's look of despair. "Oh, shit."

"You're... but- but you can't-" Peter heard students around him mumbling, and he began to tremble. He blew it. Years of keeping his secret gone, just like that.

"Peter Parker is Spiderman," an unrecognizable voice said.

"No, no, I- I'm not!" Peter stuttered out. "It's just- it's not a heavy light! It was easy to- what are you doing?"

Flash stepped forward and tried picking it up. No luck. "It's too heavy to pick up. Parker, you caught this with one hand, falling from the ceiling." Flash was looking at him in a way that Peter couldn't distinguish.

"I'm not-" Suddenly Peter couldn't breathe, so he ran out the door.

He immediately called Tony, a hysterical mess.

"Hey, Pete-"

"Mr. Stark, I- I messed up real bad."

"Where are you? Are you okay?" he replied back instantly.

Peter took in a large breath, momentarily soothing his burning lungs. "No, no, it's just- they know, Tony. I accidentally caught a light, and I used my webs, damn it!" Peter was practically screaming by the end. "What the hell was I thinking?"

He heard shuffling on the other line. "Peter, calm down. It's alright, I'm on my way to you right now." Peter didn't even bother asking how he knew where he was.

(DISCONTINUED)Peter Parker Field Trip One-Shots!जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें