"RIKU!", Sora yelled over his voice.

Riku immediatley fell silent.

"Kairi and I saw Jasmine run past us. She told Kairi that he hated you, BUT! Kairi found out that it wasn't because she didn't like you", Sora said.

"Then what was it? What else could Namine have told her?", Riku asked.

"Kairi said that she over heard Catherine and Namine say that they wanted to separate Kairi and Jasmine from us. Namine must've told Jasmine that you hated her, making Jasmine upset", Sora explained.

"Damn that Namine. I am going to strangle that slut..." Riku crunched a branch he picked up from the ground.

"I know you would never even want to punch a girl. I know it's bad right now, but I suggest you go talk to Jasmine about what happened. She's at the lake with Kairi", Sora said.

"Hey, thanks man", Riku and Sora stood up.

Riku started to walk off, but then came back to Sora. "Hey dude, so why did you and Kairi leave us so soon?", Riku grinned.

Sora blushed. He was not going to keep their      relationship a secret. "Well, we were sorta talking about what YOU and JASMINE did to us at the blob. We were only talking, but then we ended up kissing each other. Then I asked her to be my girlfriend, and she said yes. So now I finally have the girl of my dreams", Sora blushed furiously.

"You go man. I knew doing that to you guys would put a move", nudging Sora's arm. "Thanks for being such a tease, Riku. Now go get YOUR woman, dude!", Sora laughed. Riku smiled gratefully and ran towards the lake.

Sora's smile turned into a frown, recalling what happened a few minutes ago. That was the most unexpected thing; Jasmine having a keyblade. Well, it didn't really look like a keyblade-keyblade; it looked more like a sword version of a keyblade. After all, there was only one keyblade master, Sora. He preffered not to tell Riku about her having a keyblade.

Sora started to run after Riku, knowing that they should talk about it when they got with Jasmine and Kairi.

With Kairi and Jasmine...
"Kairi, I don't know. You think they would really go that low?", Jasmine asked, holding her knees against her chest.

Kairi and Jasmine were sitting together by the lake, talking about what happened. Kairi explained to Kairi that Catherine and Namine had planned the whole thing up. Kairi would later bring up the keyblade thing.

"Yes, they're that horrible. I just wish they weren't", Kairi said.

"I guess you're right...I should go apologise to Riku...but what if he doesn't forgive me. I mean...I screamed at him and everything", Jasmine whispered, two tears running down her face.

"I told Sora about Namine and Catherine and he said he would go explain to Riku about it. I'm sure he'll forgive you, I mean, he really likes you. How could he not forgive you?", Kairi smiled.

"Are you sure he really likes me?", Jasmine asked, a smile on her lips.

"Yup, Sora told me.", Kairi nodded.

"Wow, it's been a long time since you actually talked a lot about Sora like that. What happened while we were rock-climbing?", Jasmine grinned.

"I have to talk about something else right now, but long story short, Sora and I are going out now", Kairi blushed.

"Aw! I knew it would happen! But...what do you want to talk about?", Jasmine asked.

"Jasmine, was it me, or did you have a keyblade?", Kairi whispered.

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