2: How to fix broken people

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sorry. I know you're expecting me to go on and tell you to be nice to that boyfriend who hits and try and fix him. Blah blah blah.

Girlie you cannot fix that broken man.

Boy stop. Register your babe in a hospital if she continues threatening you with a knife.

Please everyone. Stop trying to fix your broken spouse. That shit ain't working.

It may look like it's working. Maybe the love you show them is making them mellow down. Sorry to burst your bubble honey but YOU CANNOT FIX A BROKEN PERSON.

If your man is broken.
If your girl is broken.
Find them a psychologist.

Thank you!

Stop hurting yourself trying to fix someone. You're going to drain yourself. The mental and emotional energy is unhealthy for you.

Live a long and fulfilled life.

Have a nice day!

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