1: Bent or B.R.O.K.E.N

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As we walk through life, we build many fun memories

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As we walk through life, we build many fun memories. And awful experiences too.

How you adapt to these experiences speak volumes.

I just want to remind you that there's a light at the end of the tunnel.

Yes, I am very sure there is.

Maybe, one day, I'll be able to talk about my own experiences, so that people can grow from it. One day...

You might feel broken.

I do.

But, in my visual arts class in grade 12, I was shown how to use the potter's wheel. I noticed that the clay had to be completely broken for the potter to mold with it.

What happened if a clay pot broke?

Well, the potter had to make sure the clay pot was completely broken and ready for molding. Then, he threw in lumps of clay and molded away!

We might be broken. But, then, the potter is making us more beautiful. Just remember that.

You might not feel so beautiful right now.

I understand.

Stay strong. Have faith. And walk through that situation like the super hero you are.

Have an amazing day, Americans 😘
Good morning, Asians 😊
Sweet dreams, Old World.
Goodnight, Africa 🌛

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