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A blonde girl, eleven years old, was trying to hide her anguish behind a mask as her dad had taught her. But it was hard, because today she was returning to Hogwarts and was afraid to disappoint her family. She had been told she did not have to worry. No matter what house she would fit in, everyone would like it anyway. Okay. But that did not stop this traitor from fear of creeping into her like a vicious snake.

A small hand came to rest on hers that she twisted unconsciously. She turned to the person who had interrupted her thoughts. It was a little girl. Red as fire, she had pretty blue eyes and her skin was flawless. His little trumpet-nosed nose was cute, and the little smile that adorned his lips had to kneel the most difficult of dads. She left her hand on hers and strangely it seemed to calm her.

- Hi, said the redhead. I do not know anyone here.

"Me neither," she said, coming closer. Are you afraid too?

- A little. My uncles told me that you had to beat a troll to join a house. You realize ? A troll!

The blond little girl laughed - a sweet laugh that was turned almost all the first years without concern - behind one of his hands as she caught the redhead's free. Between her fingers, she squeezed slightly to make him understand that she did not make fun but she found it funny anyway. A troll? Seriously?

"They told you anything," she laughed softly. My parents told me to just sit on a stool and put on a hat. You do not have to be afraid to fight a troll, it will not happen. Never. Not here anyway.

In response the redhead squeezed a little stronger hand that held his.

"But my other uncle told me that he had fought one with his friend in the first year," she whispered softly.

The blonde frowned and wondered who had the idea to let a troll wander in the school. What an idea ! And the first two years that beat a troll? Alone ? Really ? She did not believe him at all. With a little pout on her lips, she told herself that she would ask her parents tonight.

- By the way, my name is Victoire. Victory Weasley, told him the redhead.

The blonde smiles softly. Weasley. She knew the Weasleys, even though she had hardly ever seen them. As far as she understood, her parents were not on very good terms with them. Well, it was a big thing so she was not allowed to ask any more questions. Later.

- And me it's Adria ...

The arrival of the deputy director, Professor McGonnagal, a stern-looking woman, cut her off in her presentation. All immediately stopped chatting and turned to her attentively.

- Put yourself in line and follow me, the distribution will begin.

At the end of her sentence the doors behind her opened wide, probably pushed by a good dose of magic. The first years followed her in rank as requested. Adria firmly held Victoire's hand in his own as he entered the Great Hall where four long tables were lined up.

"Houses," whispered Victory beside her.

The blonde nodded briefly wondering where she would go. Even if she already knew. All his family - or almost - had been to Slytherin. She would surely go there. By cons, it would have surprised that Victoire go there. Adria sighed. She was going to find herself alone. Yet she liked it, this Weasley.

"Everyone is watching," someone whispered behind his back.

All the students looked at them with curiosity and no one spoke. Adria forced herself forward straight ahead, ignoring their eyes on them. The ceiling of the room represented a magnificent starry sky and dozens of candles shone brightly. Magic.

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