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The infirmary door opened violently and Remus walked to one of the two occupied beds. The pupil lying there, not sleeping, watched the lycanthrope move towards him. He smiled as Remus settled on the mattress. The latter passed a soft hand in his brown hair in battle before lowering his caress on his cheek as to make sure he was alive.

- Hello Harry, smiles the adult.

- Hi Remus, replied the teenager.

Seeing him tense, the ex-professor stepped back to not be in contact with him. He blew a good breath before plunging his amber eyes into the emeralds of his near-godson.

- Are you telling me? Remus asked softly.

Harry lost himself for a moment in his thoughts before watching the lycan and starting:

- I got a note from Ron yesterday morning, but I knew there was something wrong. You understand Rem 'he signed Ronald Weasley, it could not be Ron. So I went and Voldemort was there. He explained what he had done to Ron and we fought. From what Severus and Draco told me, I died for several minutes. But I killed Serpent-Face and I'm alive. Everything is fine.

- You are dead ? Remus repeated suspiciously.

- Yeah, I saw Mom and Dad, Rem '. And ... and Sirius ...

Remus jumped at that name.

- Did you see Patmol?

- He told me ... he told me to tell you he would never forget you and miss you. And ... he does not blame you.

A tear escaped from the corner of the eye of the wolf before he sniffed very little elegantly and wiped it with the back of his hand.

- Did he say something else? he asked in a trembling voice.

- He ... he added that he was looking for a way back, Harry whispered not hoping to give hope where there was none.

- It's impossible.

"Nothing is impossible for the marauders," Harry said winking.

They spent the rest of the day talking about everything and nothing. Re-learning to know each other, gently. After all, they had not seen each other for a long time. And now that the war was over, they had time. Harry smiled slightly, now he could live.

At that time he still did not know how wrong he was.




Meanwhile, at the Hogwarts director's office.

Draco Malfoy wanted more than anything from this lair filled with lemons. He dreamed only of joining his other companion for the moment in the infirmary. But Severus Snape, currently on his right, would never let him go.

The old senile gaga of lemon had to talk to them. To both of them.

- Lemon candies my boys? Dumbledore offered again, eyes flashing wildly behind those round glasses.

Severus growled on his side to refuse as Draco shook his head. If we offered him these fucking candies again, he would not answer for his actions.

- What did you want to talk to us about, Albus. We would like to join Harry as soon as possible.

Merlin I love you Severus, Draco thought, looking at him. The old mage shook with a little laugh that he hid with his hand. Draco raised an eyebrow. What was the old man doing to us?

- I understand perfectly but it is very important. I have a good and a bad news to announce you. Which do you want to hear first?

The director recoiled in his seat, crisscrossing his long fingers. He looked over his glasses at the two men who were sitting in front of him. Wondering who would speak. He did not have to wait a long time to find out.

"Good first," said Severus. With you you never know if the good news really is.

"Come on, boy, you know me very badly," Albus chuckled.

- Oh no Albus, on the contrary, I know you too well.

"Come, come," said the mage, shaking his hand, "let's resume. The good news, Rufus Scrimgeour agrees to see you soon.

Severus looked at him coldly, his face closed. But inside he was seething. This was the good news? But what was going to be bad?

- For ? he said in a voice as cold as his eyes.

- For two reasons, my friend. First, Dumbledore said, holding out his forefinger, for Harry to receive the Order of Merlin. Second, for your link, finally my boys.

- But to have our connection in the affairs of the Minister? Draco exclaimed, a little puzzled.

Albus smiles like a cuddly grandpa opposite his dear little children.

"Draco," he explained, "we have not seen a pink diamond trio for years and they are highly respected by the Witch community. But once the link is finalized, you have to sign a kind of marriage contract.

- Will we be ... married? Severus asked frowning.

- Exactly! Your couple, sorry, your trio will be official and in good standing. When your three signatures are at the bottom of the parchment, you will be officially married and, incidentally, Pink Diamond Lovers.

- What if we did not do it? Draco questioned.

- Oh well ... You would never be recognized as a trio and a lot of doors would be refused - already because of your name, Mr. Malfoy - and the community might not see your relationship with Harry, you, a Death Eater's son.

Draco got up coldly, he glanced at the director who was not smiling anymore. Draco looked at him with his gray eyes, piercing him deeper than a sword.

- Is this blackmail? he asked in a white, white voice.

"No, only persuasion, Mr. Malfoy.

"Sit down, Draco, we'll talk about it later," Severus ordered.

The Slytherin clenched his fists but abdicated and sat on the chair he had just left. Severus went on, a murderous glance at his mentor.

- The other news!

He was not determined to be polite, especially after blackmail - or persuasion - of the old fool.

- The Dursleys are going to be arrested. A trial will be organized with the Magenmagot. Justice will be restored. But for that to happen, Harry must be there, there must be witnesses, and maybe I'm saying Harry may have to testify in front of the class.

Severus' jaws clenched violently before he stood up, waving at Draco, who did the same, and slammed the door.

Albus at his desk, sighed. Finally, it did not go so badly as that. He had imagined worse. Much worse.


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