"What the he-" I say before I see Kevin with a big smirk on his face.

"Hey, babe," he simply says.

"I hate you," I say annoyed.

He takes a step closer and kisses my lips ever so gently lingering his lips on mine.

"How about now"

"Little less" I joke.

"Babe I wanted to tell you that I am going to be at Ashton's house later so we can't hang out," he says leaning his hand on the lockers.

"It's fine don't worry about it,"  I say.

"Okay then I will catch up to you sometime," he says kissing my forehead and leaving.

I sigh and hold my books tightly to my chest as I see Roni coming over.

"Hey bitch," she says with a cheerful smile.

"No Noah today?" I ask.

"He is sorta sick so he is at home," she says.

"Guess you're stuck with me then," I joke around.

"Oh shut up," she says as we begin to walk to class.

On our way there conveniently we pass through the hallway where Ethan was.

His eyes caught mine and he looked me up and down.

Roni noticed but continued to walk till we got to our class.

"You must be good in bed huh?"

"Roni what the fuck,"I say in disgust.

"What? I'm just saying the way he looks at you oof," she exaggerates as the class starts.

"I shouldn't have told you," I whisper.

"Too bad," she says with a chuckle.

I roll my eyes in annoyance and sit in my desk listening to the teacher talk.


After all my classes ended, I had nothing to do at home.

Roni said she was going to study at home and Kevin had told me he was at Ashton's.

That left me by myself.

Of course, I didn't have anything to do since I finished my work in class so I decide to pay Roni a visit.

I grab my keys and go downstairs to my car.

I unlock the car and step inside placing the key in the ignition and turning it.

My car immediately starts as I make my way to her house.

She didn't know I was coming so I might as well surprise her.

Luckily for me Roni, had given me a key to her house just in case of emergencies.

Funny right?

I park my car outside her driveway and make my way to her doorstep.

I unlock the house making the least noise possible as I stepped into her house.

I walked up her stairs hearing nothing but silence.

I walk up to her door and quickly open it to surprise her but she wasn't the one to get surprised.

My eyes widen as I say Kevin hovering her almost kissing.

When I opened the door both of their heads turned to look at me with a dead expression.

"So I think I'm just going to come back later," I say calmly closing back the door.

Right now I feel nothing.

Its just weird I guess.

I run down the stairs as quickly as possible as I hear a door open loudly.

"Kayla" Roni calls from her room.

I was already at the door when she tried catching up to me.

I took my keys out my pocket and unlocked my car in a fast manner.

"Kayla wait" Roni calls out again.

I open my door and look at Roni's face one last time as I get in.

She looks worried or stressed maybe.


I step into my car and close my door.

I turn the key and begin to drive far away from both of them.

What am I supposed to do?



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