Chapter 3: Unexpected

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              The woman placed a hand on my back. But that didn't stop the tears from falling. I sobbed my eyes out. The strange thing was, I didn't know why. 

              Everyone was staring at me. Self-conscious, I wiped my tears with my arm and I told the lady, "I'm fine." 

             "What's your name?" she asks. The question I've been dreading for the last few minutes had come. 

             Quietly, so no one could hear except the woman, I whispered, "I don't have a name."

             Sympathy flashed in her eyes. "Do you want me to name you?" she asks, hopeful. I say no. I want the person who adopts me to name me. I cross my fingers and hope that she will allow me to be nameless. 

            The lady gets up onto her feet, motions for me to stand up, and pulls me to a room with showers in it. She tells me to take off my clothes, then she turns the shower on. For once, it isn't too cold or too hot. The temperature is just right. I close my eyes and relax, the warm water pouring over my head, and think of all the opportunities I missed if I hadn't come into this specific building...

          The woman taps me. I open my eyes. She takes a funny looking bottle and squirts something clear out of it. Then, she rubs it into my unkempt long, hair. Immediately, bubbles start to form. I widen my eyes. What was this woman putting into my hair? 

          As if the woman can read my thoughts, she replies, "This is shampoo. This will clean your hair. " Then, she washes all the shampoo off. Next, she takes another bottle and squirts out something white and glossy. This is probably another type of thing to clean my hair, I think. She rubs the white stuff into my hair.

         After a few seconds, she rinses my hair again, but this time, for a few minutes. To the point where I think my hair will fall off, she cleans my body with a bottle that read body wash. She teaches me how to shower at the same time. 

          When she turns the water off, she gives me a towel. I wipe myself dry and I put on the set of clothes she gave me. Wow! I thought, These clothes are warm and comfortable!

          The woman uses this weird thing with a bunch of spikes sticking out of it to make my hair straight and untangled. I look at myself in a mirror. I look like a new person. My clear brown eyes widen at the sight of a new me. My hair falls up to my waist. 

          After drying my hair, the woman shows me around to where I will sleep, where I will eat, and where I will play. 

         I sit at the table with the others and the woman gives me a meal. This looks like an actual meal! I eat it slowly and realize how hungry I am. I wolf the mush down and wipe my mouth with the napkin they provide for me.

        We are dismissed. The children shout and run into a door in the back of the room. Soon, the room is silent and I am the only one left. I slowly walk to the back door and open the door. I could not believe what I saw! There was a playground! I knew it was small, with just a play structure and a set of swings, but a playground! I never played in one. I saw one at the park but always kept away from the play structure.

       I sit on a swing, rocking back and forth slowly when the woman rings a bell. Everyone is silent and rushes back into the eating room. I follow them. Everyone is sitting up, nice and tall. I do the same. The woman who showed me around earlier comes in with a beautiful brunette woman. 

        The woman that worked there spoke, her voice ringing across the room. "This is Colleen. She is ready to adopt. She wants to adopt a girl between the ages of four and seven. If you are not within that age range, you may go now." Over half the kids run out the door. I notice they are the really tall ones or the little ones. 

        The woman named Colleen walks around and speaks to each of us. When she comes up to me, she has a soft look in her eyes. Then, she starts questioning me.

          C= Colleen  M= me

 C= Hi! I'm Colleen! What's your name?

M= I-I don't have a name. I want the person who adopts me to choose a name for me.

 C= Ok. How old are you?

 M= Five.

 C= How long have you been here?

 M= Today is my first day.

 C= Oh! Well, I like your hair. It's really long. You're pretty.

 M= Thank you!

 C= Well, you're the last person I am talking to. I hope you have a great day!

          Once she walks away, I cross my fingers hoping for her to adopt me. She is so nice and pretty. She would be a great mother to me.

          She starts chatting with Colleen. They walk away together. Once they leave the room, everyone breaks out into chatter. My heart is beating fast. I want her to adopt me. I know there are a lot of people here, but I feel like I would be the best choice. Some of the pretty girls are very mean and snotty. I don't think Colleen will choose them.

          Finally, after what seemed like ages, the woman and Colleen walked in smiling. I noticed that she was not looking at anyone in particular. Maybe she won't adopt today.

          I was right. She left after that. I will never forget the feeling of my heart fluttering. This was an unexpected day.

The length of this chapter is much longer, right? Is this length good? Please tell me in the comments! Stay tuned! A lot more is happening in the next chapter.


The Luckiest Person in the World (A Colleen Ballinger Fan Fiction) (COMPLETED)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя