Chapter 2: My First Taste of Life

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               Two strong hands forcefully pull me onto the ground. Now I see who this person is. He is a man. He has a cold expression on his face. He looks scary enough to kill me. I start shaking. 

               "Who are you?" he questions firmly. "What are you doing here?"

               " I-I-I," I stutter. "I am-" I stop. I don't have a name. What should I tell him?

                 Before I can respond, he loosens his grip and his expression softens. 

                "I'm sorry if I was too harsh on you," he apologizes. "I thought you were one of the people from the orphanage."

                Orphanage, I thought, I've never heard that word before.

                 He sees the puzzled look on my face and understands me. He realizes my messed up hair and the dirt on my clothes. My skinny and starved body. Understanding flashes in his eyes. Then, without a word, he brings me to the front desk where a blonde lady in a black uniform sits. 

                The man goes up to the lady and whispers in her ear. Then, she asks me for my name. I don't respond. I have no name. It feels like hours before the lady speaks again.

                 "Come this way," she says, standing up. "Go into this room. From now on, you will be enrolled in the orphanage." She brings me to the room where many children stare at me.

                  Self-consciously, I scuttle across the room to sit at an empty table. I sit with my head down. 

                 "What's an orphanage?" I ask the lady, who is softly holding my hand and kneeling down.

                 Surprise flashes into her eyes. I guess she's never heard that question before.

                 Reluctant, she admitted, "An orphanage is a place where children who don't have parents to raise them."

                 I didn't try to run away. I knew that this would be my first taste of how life would be.

 I know this is such a short chapter, but I promise none of the other ones will be this short. Sorry! 


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