Suspension's Bad, but Homophobia's Worse. (Charlie Scene x Funny Man)

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(That's a long title holy shit)

-High School AU-

The old clock made annoying ticks as it continued to show the time. It annoyed the lone teenager in the room, who expressed his annoyance in a loud huff, slumping into the chair. Today had been a terrible day.

First, Dylan woke up late, and got to school late as a result. Then, the stupid science teacher, Mrs. Bach (Who Dylan was now calling Mrs. Bitch), gave him a detention. So, there he sat, watching Mrs. Bitch read her stupid romance books.

Then, the principal burst in, dragging a new teenager in. "Here ya are, Jordan," he said, mockingly, "And ya ain't leavin' till seven." Then, he left, pushing Jordan into the room.

Dylan sat up, smiling at Jordan. "What're you in for?" He asked jokingly.

Jordan laughed, "Not doing my homework. What about you?"

"Tardee from Mrs. Bitch," he said quietly, relieved when she didn't hear. 'Deaf ass bitch,' he mentally growled, just her being there provoked him. Like, 'Did you just fucking breathe? Oh my God fuck you.'

Then, another teacher walked in, Mrs. Harsen. She too was an old bitch, who Dylan hated.

"Oh my God," Mrs. Harsen said, "Two boys were holding hands, it honestly made me sick."

Dylan was upset, like what the fuck is this bitch saying. He then smirked, thinking of a plan. He quickly wrote it down, showing Jordan, whose smirk mirrored his.

He pulled Jordan up, leaning him over the desk. The movement startled the two ladies, who looked up, confused. "What are you-" they were cut off by what happened next.

Dylan ground his hips onto Jordan, who let out a fake, dramatic moan. Both teachers nearly fainted, before calling the principal. The boys had a long talk with him, and next thing they new, they were suspended.

They walked out of the school, laughing. "Sorry I got us suspended," Dylan said. Jordan laughed.

"No, Dilly, that plan was fucking genius. Suspension's bad, but homophobia's worse."

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