Preface 2.0

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While passing through terrestrial systems a pair of black boots clicked and clacked against the ground profusely. The black and charcoal tiling having just been waxed the previous morning did not appreciate the pounding it was enduring from an anti-social, incompetent First Order official. The buckle around their waist shined just as the floor did. With their hands tightly clasped behind their back, lips stiffly sealed and the tilt of their head, a blue and green round rock approached in the space before them.

As General Hux glared through the viewport upon the Star Destroyer he noticed how unique the planet was and decided to send a shuttle to greet whoever was in charge of such a vast place. After communication ran stale, squadrons of tie fighters were dispatched to send a hellfire against anything that moved or had a pulse. Upon further inspection, the distance between continents proved tempting for the expansion of Imperial bases.

A transmission was sent straight to Kylo Ren's personal quarters: Imperial Possibilities on Earth.

Once all but 3 tie fighters returned it was crystal clear that this so-called Earth was equipped with enough weaponry to rival that of the First Order's arsenal. The General unwanting of war with a heavily protected space rock fired cannons every hour on the hour for 11 days into Earth's atmosphere.

Billions died.

Stormtroopers on duty reported that while passing through hallways they could smell human flesh in the ventilating systems aboard. Blood and organs stained the once oceanic colored portions of the planet. Instead of a deep blue shade on the fifth day, MB-841 reported the planet turned purple. Stormtrooper's who'd been raised in the First Order rushed to the viewports against better judgment and duty to spectate. Many had never seen the shade of plum on anything other than sparse wildflowers on a battlefield.

On the eleventh day, thousands of stormtroopers clad in white trampled the nearly empty streets of what was left of Earth. It was as General Hux called it a clean slate. Citizens of Earth wouldn't, no, couldn't see it that way. Not a single family was untouched by the destruction. Those who were injured were discarded and tossed into speeders hauled off to burning sites. The fumes of bodies clouded out the sun so that people could no longer tell night from day. It was as though the Earth had died and anything left was just waiting to join it in the afterlife.

Those who lived healthily (only by appearance) were snatched from their homes, dragged across the uneven ground, and shoved into shuttles by the thousands. So many people were taken hostage that the oxygen levels fell in the transports. Therefore, elder folks collapsed, cracked their skulls upon the floor, and died.

Stella Moon was in Transport 3.

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