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Stella stood in the middle of the room silently. Then she brought her hand up to her burning cheek and sat down on the couch. She felt exhausted but she didn't need any more confrontations today.

On the other end of Starkiller Ren stood at main command awaiting the reason to his summoning. Phasma approached him walking down the hallway.
"Sir battle plans are being made for the next attack,"
He nodded to her information and walked down the bridge to oversee. Once contemplating and debating about all of the issues he walked out of command towards the office.
He was half way there when he passed Hux on a bridge. Kylo paused and stared at him for a moment.
"Commander Ren,"
"how were those battle plans coming along," Ren grew more confused by the second it was as though he wanted Ren to be at the main bridge.
"I'm going to the office now would you like to discuss them there or have you already been to the office,"
Hux frowned at this remark as he strutted past Ren. Then almost immediately Ren picked up his pace feeling that something had happened to Stella. As he ran down the last hall bursting through the interrogation room he found her not there. He began to panick as his breathing picked up he turned around swiftly and needed to find her quarters.

Is she hurt?
Did he harm her?
I'm gonna kill him!
If he hurt her.
If he touched her.

He remembered walking past her quarters  once and that they weren't far from his but they were a floor lower. He went down one flight of stairs and started walking down the first hall as nothing came to mind and then the second and then he felt something. It was calm it was a feeling of peace when he entered the third hallway. He walked a little further to door 331. He stood in front of it for a moment and then knocked softly.

Stella on the other side of the door was nervous that it would be Hux again coming to delve more blows into her for arguing with him. She slowly opened the door staying behind it and only peaking around the frame to see Ren standing their rigidly in the hallway. She swallowed slowly standing as still as she could.

"Can I come in," he asked curiously looking into her eyes. She simply shook her head no and closed the door standing behind it. As she turned to face the living room she walked over to a mirror.

Then the door slid open slowly behind her as she reached down for the ice pack but it wasn't there where she left it.

"What do you have this for," he pondered out loud as she let out a sigh and turned to face him. He held it out to her cockily walking ever closer but pulled back his hand when he noticed the purple mark on her left temple while his jaw hit the floor.

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