Drake's Origins

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A Judged Book

Drake's POV

I was walking for a few days when I saw the abandoned City of Mountain Glenn and I stopped on top of the ridge and watched the Goliaths walking. They stand at 200 feet tall (20 stories), and weigh 280,000 pounds, and can take out an Atlas Paladin with a swing of their trucks they are mostly peaceful unless you make them mad like me, They are also smarter than any other Grimm because they have seen what happens when you attack a hunter or huntress and that is how they have lived for over a thousand years. 

Short time skip brought to by Drake sketching a Goliath under a tree

 When I was sketching I heard a woman scream and looked up to see a Goliath charging a group of people I sighed and got up putting my sketchbook in my pocket and put on my mask as it casts a shadow over my eyes and I look like Dad but with hair. I rushed to the group and slowed down to see one of the men of the group push another woman out of the way as he tried to run to the city and that pissed me off, feeling my rage build and my semblance activate I walk out of the trees as the fog started to roll in, and just was the Goliath had picked up its front legs and going to crush the young woman I walked up behind her and held up my hand and caught the feet of the Grimm and held it up and the woman looked up and saw me and in fear tried to ask "J-Jason?" and I shook my head to tell her no and she got up and got behind me as I used the legs of the Grimm to throw it on its side the impact of all its weigh crushed its heart but didn't turn to dusk. I then saw another Goliath about to kill the man that tried running the others were safe so I punched the truck of a tree making the trees fall on its side I picked it up and threw it at the Goliath and got it to charge me. I quickly grabbed the truck of the dead Goliath and right when the 2nd was close enough I swung the body of the dead Goliath at the alive one by its truck and hit the alive one so hard it was knocked on its side and slide for about 10 meters it was killed on impact with the body of its dead brother. I let go of the truck of the 1st one I killed and calmed down deactivating my semblance and took off my mask and put it back on my belt on my right side then when back to walking to the nearest town.

(hey guys and gals I hope you liked this to get the weight of the Goliath I had to some math but found it for you guys and to show off Drake's power I worked hard on this so enjoy till next time this is Delta signing out) 

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