First Day

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The last two days of the week were coming to an end and Naruto was not prepared to go to school tomorrow. This weekend Tsunade and Naruto went to the mall 45 minutes away and got some new clothes and the correct shoes for his school.

Naruto may have to wear a ugly uniform but that doesnt mean he doesnt wear regular clothes either. Naruto's uniform cames on Saturday along with a list of things he will need for his classes. Mostly just notebooks and a couple of binders.

Naruto sat in the living room watching The Office on netflix and eating some Doritos. There are so many things Naruto should be doing right now.

It was already 10:20 at night and he still hasn't showered or got his school bag ready. Naruto was a level 100 procrastinator. Waiting till last minute to do anything or finding any possible way to not do it right now. Naruto could shower in the morning and pack his bag before he goes to bed.

After finishing the episode of the office he shut off the TV. His grandma wasn't home she was at work. Naruto walked into the kitchen and grabbed all the binders and pens. He put some loose paper in the binders and put them in his bag, he had 6 notebooks and 4 folders.

Everything went in his bag and tomorrow everything but 2 folders and 3 notebooks were going in his locker. He already knew he wasnt going to use all those binders he never does.

After everything was packed and all the lights were off Naruto walked upstairs and jumped into his bed, he set an alarm for 6:30 and went laid down on his bed he stared at the ceiling.

He wasn't worried about tomorrow just not looking forward to it. He probably wouldn't see his grandma for a couple of days but he knew she would text him tomorrow to wish him luck.

Naruto woke up at 6:00 before his alarm went off and just layed in bed, he got up 10 minutes later and walked into the bathroom.

After showering fixing his hair to the best of his ablitlites and brushing his teeth Naruto went back into his room and put on his uniform. Black slacks and a dark blue shirt with a black tie.

The uniform was weird and Naruto already didn't like it, the uniform also came with a Orange school sweatshirt, but it was 90 degrees out, who was going to wear that right now.

Naruto walked into the kitchen made himself a small lunch and then walked out of the house locking it with the key and putting his headphones in. Naruto was texting Gaara as he walked to the bus stop he didnt know how long it would take him to get there so he timed it knowing exactly when to leave the house next time. 

The walk was shorter than he thought and he just saw trees the whole way there. Yes the country was beautiful but so were tall buildings and lights. Out here you get none of that.

The bus came at 7:15 Naruto left the house at 7 and got to the bus stop at 7:05, he was not leaving the house that early again. Naruto waited in silence just listening to music and texting Gaara.

Gaara was still in Suna where he will always remain there with his two sibling Temari and Kankuro. Their dad is the Mayor there so they will never leave.

Naruto saw the bus approaching, it stopped in front of Naruto, he got on the bus and sat in the first empty seat he could find. There were no other kids getting on the bus and Naruto didn't care to look behind his seat to see who else was on this bus.

He just stared out the window listenting to music and waiting for the school to come into his view.

When the bus pulled into the school it let the high schoolers and middle schoolers off first and drove to the elementary to let the elementary off. When Naruto walked into the school he was staring at his schedule looking for his locker, it was number 1013. Naruto walked past so many lockers until he finally found his all the way by the cafeteria.

He put the combination in, he emptied his bag of binders and some notebooks before closing his locker and looking for his class. His first class was English and seeing as its already the third week of school Naruto was sure he was behind. Not that it mattered in his last school he was always ahead of everyone, always at the top of his class.

Naruto walked around the school, walking aimlessly he was lost. He had no idea where to go and the bell rang 5 minutes ago. Naruto walked up his third flight of stairs and finally found the classroom. He let out a small "thank you." Under his breath and knocked on the door.

The door swung open and revealed a silver haired, blue mask wearing teacher. "You must be Naruto" He smiled kindly at Naruto and welcomed him in the room, Naruto looked at Kakashi and waited for instructions.

"You're late" Kakashi told him while he changed the attendance list.

"Not my fault this school is bigger than this town" Naruto snapped back.

"Oh this is going to be a fun year." Kakashi said with a smile. Naruto was surely going to make some noise in this dull school.

"Your grades appear to rival a student in your grade, a mister Sasuke Uchiha" Kakashi said as he looked at Narutos old record from his old school. The class did a loud gasp and started to whisper amongst themselves, Narutos eye twitched with annoyance.

Would the teacher be saying any of this if Naruto has bad grades? Fucking hopefully not that's embarrassing. This is embarrassing, they are his grades no one else needs to know them.

Kakashi noticed Naruto's slight annoyance and turned to Irukas email. Kakashi quieted the class down after reading the email and turning to face Naruto.

"Whats with the mask?" Naruto asked. Once again the class gasped and whispered amongst themselves. Naruto tried to control his breathing, and his red face.

Kakashi clearly noticed how uncomfortable he was. But made no action to quiet the class down, he was trying to get a understanding of the new student.

Naruto looked at Kakashi "Are they always like this?" Naruto hissed. Kakashi patted Naruto on the back and nodded.

"Anyone want to show Naruto here around?" Kakashi asked. A bunch of girls hands shot up and one boy, the boy with triangles on his face.

Naruto pointed at the boy "I pick him" his tone was demanding and pleading.

"Kiba!" Kakashi shouted out with amusement.

"Alright, everyone this is Naruto, he moved from Suna. Like we did when everyone first got here we will allow everyone to ask questions for Naruto." Kakashi took out his book ad began to read.

Naruto looked at Kakashi and rolled his eyes he was reading those stupid books his grandpa writes. Naruto looked around the room and just sat on a stool in front of the room.

He didn't want to answer any questions.

Naruto pointed at a girl with pink hair. "I'm Sakura" She introduced, Naruto nodded not looking at her but at the classroom. "My question is simple, why did you move here from Suna?" Naruto rolled up his fists and tried to calm down.

He didnt want to think about why he moved here, he didnt want to think about the accident and all thats gone. Naruto just stood up from the stool and walked over to a free desk next to Kiba.

He doesn't need to answer any questions.

Kakashi put his book down and sighed "Alright today we are discussing the book we just read. Please be prepared to write a essay."

Naruto watched the class groan and take out their books. Naruto crosses his arms and sighed, this was going to be a long year.

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