Gone for 10 minutes and everything goes to hell

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"Promise me," Allison said, slipping her hand through the book stacks to entwine with his.

"Is he does anything, you run the other way," Scott sighed.

"I can take care of myself," Allison whispered.

Scott groaned. "Allison if you get hurt while I'm busy with some test, someone is going to need to take care of me. If it does anything..."

"Like?" Allison and Daire asked together. Daire finally getting fed up with Scott's over protectiveness. 

"Anything bizarre, anything-"

"Anything evil!" Stiles let out, shoving his face in the space between the books.

Daire sighed and pushed his head back, making him fall backwards. Glaring at Daire after he regained his footing.

"Okay, Scott you go take Harris King of Hell's test, Allison go find Doc. Connors," she sighed and they nodded. "Stiles you find Lydia and I'm gonna go pee since waiting for you two took forever." 

By the time Daire had managed to find a non-crowded bathroom and made her way out. She found her self in the middle of another shit pot brewed especially by her two dumbass friends. 

Erica had Jackson restrained against the wall. Scott was beginning to scramble onto his feet. He started towards Jackson but Stiles held him back.

Allison came out of the locker room just as a crowd was beginning to head their way. The King of Hell was unfortunately their leader.

"What is the meaning of this?" he yelled. "Stop, right now."

Daire just raised an eyebrow, she didn't know what her friends got into either but at least she could tell that they were in fact. Trying to stop right now.

"Mr. McCall, do you want to explain yourself?" he asked, narrowing his already beady eyes at the dripping wet Scott. "Stilinski and the other Argent perhaps?" 

"I legit just came out of the bathroom," Daire muttered.

He glared at her and she held her hands up in surrender. Not wanting to get another detention.

From behind them, Matt Daehler held out Allison's tablet. "You dropped this," he said to them.

Harris grabbed it before Daire could think to move. He used it to point and Scott and Jackson. "You and you. Actually, all of you. Detention, three o'clock."

Matt looked overly annoyed, since he arrived after Harris. Daire ignored the strange boy who caused her hair to stand on end and turned to her friends.

"I leave to pee for 10 minutes and you get me into DETENTION!!"

"I'm seriously considering making a petition to get him fired, or maybe I'll just murder him," Daire grumbled to Scott and Stiles as they headed to the library for detention.

"Already tried that, the petition I mean," Stiles muttered. "Both are apparently unethical."

"So is Harris' entire existence but you don't hear anyone else complaining about that," Daire groaned, running her hands through her already messy hair. 

The three of them sat at one table, while Allison, Jackson and Matt opted for the one behind them. Erica smirked at Daire, pulling out the chair from across her. Daire just stared blankly ahead before dropping her head on the table.

"Uh, we can't be in detention together," Jackson quipped. "I have a restraining order against these tools."

"All these tools?" Harris asked with a sigh.

Unbreakable➳ Lahey [book 2]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora