"Oh nothing. I just love how ironic life is." Chosen laughed and Sophia rolled her eyes.

"Anyway I have to go and get ready." Jeremy said and walked back home.

"My My My! Is Sophia, may I dare say, jealous?" Phil gasped.

"Shut up no I'm not. I just think Jeremy can do better than that skank." Sophia said.

"You don't even know her." Dan pointed out.

"I don't need to. First of all she's named after a gem. I mean that's just a stripper name. Second of all she just agreed to a date so fast! Like jeez does she not have a life." Sophia spat out. Everyone was surprised.

"Never thought you'd be jealous over Jermey. I thought it'd be the other way around." Phil laughed.

"What's that suppose to mean?" Sophia asked confused.

"All shall be revealed." Chosen laughed. Sophia rolled her eyes and walked away from the group.

"Y'know I understand what she's going through. I'd be upset to if Danny was dating someone." Phil said and ruffled his hair.

"No you wouldn't." Dan huffed.

"Yes I would. You're way better than everyone else." Phil said.

"So that means I'm better than you?" Dan teased.

"Absolutely Mi Amor!" Phil beamed and kissed Dan's cheek. Dan blushed Scarlett red.

"Damn this is gay. Right guys?" Chosen said and turned towards Jack and Finn, who were in a heated makeout session. "Miss me with that relationship shit."

"Don't swear in front of Jackie." Finn said and went back to kissing Jack.

"Get a room." Jaeden said.

"Fine." Finn shrugged and pulled Jack away from the group.

"His ass isn't about to be 100% virgin anymore." Chosen said.

"Ew! You're so gross Chosen." Dan gagged and fixed his lip gloss.

"You're so innocent." Phil chuckled.

"No I'm not! Stop saying that." Dan whined.


"Stop..We're in public." Jaeden giggled. They all turned their head towards Jaeden who was sitting in Wyatt's lap. Wyatt had his head hidden in Jaeden's neck.

"What are you doing?" Chosen asked.

"N-Nothi-NG!" Jaeden moaned out the last part.

"Ew! Go fuck somewhere else." Dan said while rolling his eyes. They heard Wyatt chuckle and suddenly Jaeden was being pulled away.

"I'm gonna go to. Suppose to rain later." Chosen said and walked away while sipping tea.

"When do you want to leave?" Dan asked.

"Well unless you want to get rained on then I assume pretty soon." Phil said.

"Do you think it'll thunder storm?" Dan asked nervously.

"It shouldn't."

Time skip brought to you by Phoebe talking about how her mother killed herself




Dan bolted upwards in his bed as he heard the loud thunder. Dan was shaking. Dan hated thunder. It always reminded him of..

Dan didn't want to be alone. Looked down and saw Phil peacefully sleeping  on the crappy air mattress.

Dan didn't want to wake Phil up but he also didn't want to be alone.

"Phil..?" Dan whispered quietly.

No response.

"Phil?" Dan asked a bit louder. All he got was a bit of mumbling a Phil shifting around in sleep. Maybe he should just let Phil sleep. It was bet-


"WAKE THE FUCK UP!" Dan yelled and a threw a pillow violently.

"Ah! What?!" Phil yelled as he bolted upward.

"Oh did I wake you? My bad.." Dan said with fake innocence. Phil rolled his eyes, knowing the pastel was lying.

"What do you want?" Phil asked.

"Can you um..Could you sleep up here with me?" Dan asked embarrassingly.

"Why?" Phil asked.

"Because it's-"


"Get the fuck up here!" Dan's screamed and Phil quickly got in the bed.

"Okay okay. It's fine I'm here now." Phil comforted.

"Will you hold me?" Dan asked with pure embarrassment.

"Yeah of course.." Phil said. He grabbed Dan by the waist and put him in his arms. Phil hid his neck in Dan's sensitive neck and Dan sighed in relief, feeling safe. "How come you don't like thunder? You never told me."

"It was thundering the day my dad left.." Dan whispered.

"Oh I'm sorry.." Phil said and traced circles on Dan's bare hips.

"It's okay. Not your fault." Dan slurred with tiredness.

"We could find him. We're old enough and I know how to drive. It'd be easy?" Phil asked.

"Yeah okay..Lets find him." Dan mumbled in fell asleep in Phil's arms.

Okay here's why I didn't update yesterday.

So I get home at like 4 and don't write until 5. But I also had hw. But then my crush wanted to call me at 5:30 so we could do our homework together so I said yes. But I had to charge my phone.

Then at 5:26 he said he couldn't and I was disappointed. But then at 5:45 he said he could do it so I did. Then at 6 my friend invited me to a football game and I didn't get him until 10. So that's why I didn't update bc I was so tired.


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