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yo it's toots I wanted to write another Shikamaru one bc he's another one of my favorites and I want to enjoy!!


"Good morning (Y/N), what brings you here?" Ino asks me from behind the counter. I smile at her as I walk in.

"Just dropped by to see a friend, and maybe buy some flowers," I shrug, laughing a little as I approach her. She giggles along with me as I walk over to the counter. I lean against it and she sits down on the stool behind the counter.

"So what can I do for you?" Ino inquires, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Well, I came over just to chat because I haven't seen you in awhile, annnd I think I need some new flowers for my room," I tell her. She nods her head, seeming to think about something. I tilt my head to the side.

"What's the matter Ino?" I look in the direction she's looking and see nothing.

"It's nothing I was just thinking of what flowers you should get." She hops her stool and walks over to the shelves of cut flowers, and begins taking a few flowers out. I watch as she does this.

She then turns to me with a small smirk on her face, "How's Shikamaru?"

I feel my cheeks begin to heat up, and I turn away from her so she can't  see, "I don't know what you're talking about."

Ive had a crush on Shikamaru since we graduated the academy, and since Ino is one of my closest friends she teases me about it all the time. I have really only talked to him a handful of times, and we have gone on a few C and D rank missions together before; I still like him nonetheless.

"Ya know, ever since the last mission you guys went on he has been talking about you a lot." Ino came to the corner with a handful of cut flowers. I felt my face burn more.

"He has?" I ask, my voice sounding more higher pitched than normal. The last mission we went on took longer than the both of us had anticipated, and we ended up having to set up camp for two nights. It resulted in a few late night talks where we talked about many different things. We got to know each other better, much to my own delight. I didn't get nervous around him those times which was nice, he got to see the real me.

That was about a week or two ago, and I haven't really talked to him since. It did make me a little disappointed, but really what did I expect?

"Yeah he has," Ino laughs, wrapping the flowers with special paper. "He always brings you up whenever he's upset with Choji and I on our missions."

"I even overheard him talking to Choji and he said he-"

"Hey, Ino." A voice says from the front of the store. "Oh, hey (Y/N)."

We both look to see none other than the lazy ninja himself walking into the flower shop. I turn to Ino, my eyes wide and she stifles a laugh.

"Hey Shikamaru, how can I help you?" She asks, sweeter than normal. I look over to him slowly as he walks to the counter with us.

"We are supposed to have a team meeting later, I just wanted to make sure you knew," He informs her in a bored voice. Ino nods her head as she continues to wrap my flowers. I begin to take out my coin purse to pay for them.

"What were you talking about before I came in?" Shikamaru asks. "You sounded urgent."

"Oh, I was just telling (Y/N) that you have a c-"

"Hey! I told you that was between us." I look to Shikamaru and see he's blushing a little. "Troublesome, I knew I shouldn't have told you."

"Told her what?" I laugh a bit as I hand Ino the money and she gives me my flowers. Shikamaru looks to me and then glares to Ino who just sticks her tongue out at him. He rolls his eyes and covers his face with his hands.

"That Shikamaru has a crush on you," Ino coos and both Shikamaru and my eyes widen. I look from her to him and back, he does the same. We both have a blush on our cheeks.

"Dammit, this is a drag," He mutters before speaking up. "Y'know I was kind of waiting to do that on my own time."

"Yeah well your time took too long and you kept poor (Y/N) waiting," Ino smirks and my eyes stay wide. He likes me??

I clear my throat and suppress my rising blush the best I can, "Well if that's the case, then it's only fair that I tell you I..like you too."

Ino clasps her hands together, swooning and I blow a piece of (h/c) hair out of my face. Shikamaru cheeks are still tinged pink but I can see that he's smirking. It's becoming harder to hide the growing blush on my cheeks.

"Well now that all of that information is out," Shikamaru sighs. "I guess I can walk you home if you want."

"That..would be nice, thank you," I reply, smiling my cheeks pink. I take the flowers and thank Ino, she winks at me as we walk out of the shop. I can feel Shikamaru's hand lightly on my lower back as if he's guiding me, and I let out a content sigh.

We make it to my home and I stop at the front door.

"So...do you maybe want to go out sometime?" I ask as I unlock the door, surprised at my confidence. "Like on a date?"

"Based on what just happened at the flower shop, my answer would be yes," Shikamaru answers, smiling a little. "But I thought I would be the one asking you."

"Changing things up once in awhile is good," I wink at him before saying goodbye. I let out a cheer as I enter my living room. Even if it was a weird way to find out he liked me, I'll still take it.

Nevertheless, I have a date to plan and I've never been this excited in my life.

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