"This is it" imran said .
we all made our way towards the door my parents and siblings along with imran, I followed behind .
Note how I wanted to be the last person to enter.
The door was flung open by a man in his early 50's With a half graying hair sticking out around his head, coming towards us from the hallway with a remote in his hands , more so Mr Khan .
I work with him from time to time , so I'm no stranger to him as a kid growing up my dad introduced me to most of his business partners and staffs not in my wildest dream did I picture myself becoming family with him , from business partner to family more likely intended father in law I scoffed.

He greets us with the greetings of "Asalamu alikum" smiling and opening his arms out for a hug which my dad happily took while everyone replied to his salaam by the greetings of "Walaikumsalaam" including me , yeah you heard that right .

"Come on son, I'm so happy to have you as my son in law" .

He engulfed me into a tight hug .
And then I met her brothers (saif and javed) then their mom (asma)
Her brothers are no stranger to me I worked with them.

I greeted their mom asma.
I must admit her smile is quite warming and welcoming.
I must say they are quite my dad type religious .
Mr Khan along with his sons are growing beards .
While his wife was wearing hijabi.
Then it came to my mind wonder if she is wearing hijab.
Because most functions that we invited for I don't attend so i never had the opportunity to meet her.
Nevertheless it doesn't fancy me the way she is I just want to make her pay for coming into my life.

We settled into the hall where everyone took their seats and refreshments was being brought out.

After a while Mr Khan called out to a girl ," bring down ameera" .

How I was waiting for this moment
I was so anxious to see who is this little darling who my dad is being cast under a spell by.
"Good evening sir", I lift my head to see a maid offering me a glass of soda and then and there i saw her at the top of the stair case.
I was offered a glass of soda
But my eyes was glued to this ameera i couldn't help but stare at her.
She was the total opposite of what I was expecting .
Beautiful, fair and slim Came to my mind an unknown emotion was flowing on my mind I just brush it away .
I couldn't help but look at the way she was walking and acting so shy and nervous every step she took her expression was giving it away, as she approached the bottom of the stair case I couldn't help but noticed her dress which was so loose and her scarf was also pinned modestly around her head and stomach which I find quite interesting .
It's amusing most girls ik practicing are wearing tight clothes and skimpy scarf exposing their stomache
She was different .

A knodge from imran made me realize the maid was still holding out the glass of soda in the air and she saw me checking ameera out also imran ohh that lil fu**er is smirking.
Ohh how I wanted to wipe that smirk off his face . I quickly collected the glass from the maid not before thanking her, great even the maid saw me checking her out.
It's not that I'm into her a voice in my head said, yeah right , you fool was gwaking at her .
Ohh plz enough of shits I'm here because of my dad I assured myself.

She introduced her self to my family and then imran I saw her getting nervous but she quickly brush it away when he told her his name and then last but not least she approached me .

I stood up and greet her with the greetings of "assalamu alaikum , im jameer" while extending my hand for her to shake.

"Walaikumsalaam , ameera " she replied but didn't extend her hand after i realized my hand was hanging in the air I clear my throat to ease the tension " it's nice to finally meet you", I told her.
"It's nice to meet you too "she replied lowering her gaze.

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