In Love

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(Author's Note: This is just half of the story, so there will be a next part!)

There he was. The most amazing and handsomest guy in the world, Aaron Millers. The way his blue eyes shined, the way everything he does is perfect. He sure is a lucky guy. He was hanging out with Alex and Cole; typical. I bet he doesn't even know who I am; he's too good for me. I'm just the short girl with the dirty blond hair, reading a book. I wasn't a nerd for my love of reading; I was average. Someone he doesn't deserve. He's beyond my league. Aaron's the perfect one, and I'm just plain old Rose Hawthorn.

            "I see the way you look at him. Why don't you just confess your undying love?" My best friend; Cat interjects my thoughts. What? Did I hear right? Confess. One word, two syllables.

            "No! That's just going to make it worse; he'll think I'm crazy! Plus, he doesn't even know I exist in this world." I say the last part, barely audible. He doesn't know I exist. It was true, nothing to hide. Aaron laughs that beautiful melody I loved to hear.

           "Come on, didn't you always want a perfect ending?" She encourages me. 

           "W-Well yeah, but---" I stutter, Aaron was coming closer. Oh my gosh, he's getting closer. He sees me, smiling like an angel. Aaron passes through me. He smiled at me. He smiled. Aaron Millers smiled at me! It felt like the happiest day of my life.

           "He smiled at you! I can't believe it!" Cat squeals in excitement. I think she's getting to sinked into the love stories she reads. Still, Aaron smiled. I probably am making a big deal out of it, but I can't help it! I'm in love! I blush deeply, crimson red cheeks.

            "Aww! You're blushing!" Cat cooed, making me blush even more. If there was something I hate about myself, it's that I blush easily. That's my problem.

The bell rings, Cat and I say our goodbyes before we go to class and I head off to the opposite direction she's walking. Why do I feel so happy? . I think it's because Aaron kind of noticed me! I think I should take my mind off of him for a while. I mentally smiled to myself. I carried my books close to my chest; you might think I'm the shy type. Big shocker, I really am. I really am shy. I don't thi--

           "Ouch!" I stumble upon someone, falling in the process. That really hurt! My books! Who would eve-- Aaron Millers? H-He was.... He-He. . I couldn't even think straight.

           "Are you alright?" Aaron gives out his hands. His hands. I can't possibly. . right? Hesitantly, I finally accepted his help. I held Aaron's hands. It was so soft and big. He helps me pick up my books and gives it to me.

           "I'm really sorry." He apologizes, sincerely. I could see it in his eyes. 

           "N-No, I-I'm Sorry." I bow my head, and when I looked back he just grinned. Just grinned.

            "You're cute." He gently ruffles my hair then proceeds to walking. He said I'm cute. Aaron Millers said I'm cute! I enter my classroom, physically present but mentally absent. Aaron, he was this guy who made my heart skip a beat. 

                --After Class--

           "I was telling you, Cat! He bumped into me and he helped me. Okay, it's official; this is the best day ever." I sighed dreamily; it was only Aaron who made me feel like this. He was the only one.

           "You are so lucky! I'm telling you to go talk to him." She crosses her arms, smirking. Her brown eyes showing excitement.  

           "I don't know, Cat. I don't know." I just say, hiding my face. I don't want to. I'm scared that he won't talk to me anymore because he would think I'm so clingy just because he helped me. No way. 

           "Let's just go to the cafeteria. I hear they're serving up pasta today!" I grin, changing the subject. I was hungry. I want to go grab a piece of that pasta they're having. We walk to the cafeteria, and lined up for lunch. Good to know everything is civilized here. 

I can't wait to eat! I am so hungry. I come face to face with a boy. That guy in front of me sounds familiar. Too familiar. Don't tell me it's! No, it can't be! 

           "Oh, I see it's you again!" Aaron turns around and sees no other than me. I smiled back at him, panicking on the inside. What to do, what to do?!

           "Y-Yes." I stutter, as always. I hid my face with my hair, hoping to endure a feeling to kiss him right on the spot.

           "I'm Aaron, you are?" He introduces, like I didn't know that. I even know his full name, creepy yet astonishing. He attempts to shake my hand, which I willingly do. Stupid me!

           "Rose. Rose Hawthorn." I swallow my fears, not even stammering. He smiles once again, to my surprise. He smiles again. Is there some kind of meaning to that smile? Am I dreaming or are they just playing a joke on me? I hope not. This is one of the best things that ever happened to me, and I won't like it if that turned upside down. 

After getting our snacks, I and Aaron talk a bit more. After parting with him, Cat throws me a puzzled look which kind of told me something. I just knew it.

           "Alright, girl. Spill the beans. What happened to you and Aaron?" The brunette asks me, eager to listen to my stories. I told her from the start. How I coincidentally saw Aaron in front of me and how he talked to me. Everything. I was willing to share everything. Besides, Cat is my best friend. I managed to get along with Aaron, after all. Maybe. . Just maybe. .  There was a possibility of us. Us. Me and Aaron.

All I needed was a little hope.


Thank you for reading! I'll be posting the next part shortly so stay tuned! Hope you liked this first chapter! Stay classy, you lovely people! 


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