When she cries

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-(Y/N)'s POV-

She walked in the front door to be met with the back of her mother's hand. "You're ten minutes late young lady, what do you have to stay for your self?" she said wist such anger that made (Y/N) more scared. She put her hand up to were it stung and hissed. "I'm sorry that I didn't want to see your ugly face," she said in a cocky tone. Her mother raised her hand but (Y/N) was quick and ran into her room and slammed the door. The sound of glass shattering on the other side made her freeze for the pictures on the wall hit the floor. "Shit," she whispered as her mother's footstep could be heard coming down the hall, the loud clacking of her heels hitting the hardwood floor. (Y/N) slowly backed away from the door as her mother's footsteps grew louder the closer she got. Her back hit the wall and her eyes widened as the door flung open revealing her mother with a murderous look on her face.

                                                                           -Time Skip-

There she lay on the floor covered in blood and bruises finally waking up after being knocked out. The morning sun shown through the curtains the cool floor under her as she sat up. when she fully sat up she winced in pain. She stood up leaning on her wall to keep from falling as she made her way out her bedroom and into the kitchen to get to the phone. She dialed the number Richie gave her a long time ago. It rang once, twice, "Hello?" Richie's tired voice said. "Rich come and help me," her quiet voice squeaked. "O-okay where do you live?" he asked starting to panic. "(address)," she squeaked out losing her voice. "Be there in ten minutes," he quickly said then hung up.

-Richie's POV-

He hurried to get dressed after the call knowing she was hurt bad. He could barley hear her voice. He left his house and got on his bike speeding off to (Y/N)'s. When he got there he ran to the door and banged on it. He heard shuffling then (Y/N) opened the door and what he saw hurt him. The girl he loves covered in cuts and bruises her shirt and shorts covered in blood. She limped toward him and weakly wrapped her arms around him. He hugged her back as tears streamed down his face as he said, "Why, why do you not tell someone. Hell, you should call the cops!" he cried getting angry. "Rich my mother has slept with 99.9% of them, she's a prostitute they won't help me." she choked out. "W-What?" he asked. "Why do you think called me a slut, they think I'm like my mother," she whispered losing her voice. "Want to get away?" he asked her. She gave him a confused look but then he said, "Do you want to stay at my house babe?" she nodded. "Stay here I'm gonna get your stuff," he said going into her house leaving her sitting on the porch. He came out minutes later with a bag of her stuff. "You have cute underwear," he said smirking. She let out a quiet giggle standing slowly. They left for his house and when the finally got into his room she saw how messy it was. "You'll have to share the bed with me," he said wrapping his arm around her waist. She turned and kissed him passionately and he kissed back. "I love you trashmouth."

Pretty Deadly (Richie Tozier x Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu