Bev's Bathroom

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-(Y/N)'s POV-

She was walking down to Bev's house because she had called her. Bev sounded really panicked on the phone so (Y/N) wanted to help her friend. When she was walking she accidentally tripped but someone caught her. She heard the crash of a bike hitting the pavement and she looked up to see Richie. "Careful babe," he said. "Shut up," (Y/N) quickly replied and got out of his grasp before the others could make fun of them. "I-if y-you guys k-kiss I-I'm gonna b-barf." Bill Said. (Y/N) ran over to Bill and hugged him and Stan then said, "We aren't going to do anything lets just get to Bev's before she has a panic attack." she said Richie picked up his bike and got on and looked at her. "Get on Mrs.Tozier," he said and she did and said, "Until there's a ring on my finger I'm Miss (L/N)," (Y/N) stated. "Somebody get me a ring pop stat!" he yelled as he sped towards Bev's apartment. (Y/N) giggled and tightened her grip on his waist.

They pulled up and Bev raced over to them. She said some things but (Y/N) wasn't paying attention because she almost fell off of Richie's bike but he caught her again and their faces were inches apart. A dark red blush spread across her face as he got closer. "I told you to be careful babe," he whispered. Suddenly Eddie was yelling at them to keep a lookout. "How are we supposed to do that?"Richie yelled back. "Just start talking you're good at that," Eddie hollered back and went inside. "He has a point Rich," (Y/N) said after getting off his bike and standing next to him. He looked at her the smiled stepping closer to her wrapping his arms around her. "Ewww," the little girl on the stairs yelled and ran into her apartment. "I'm also good at kissing," he said and leaned in. "Rich we need to keep a lookout not make out," she said trying to not get kissed. "Fine," he wined.

                                                                                 -Time Skip-

They finished cleaning her bathroom and came out. Richie had his arm draped over her shoulders and her head resting on his. "Aww so cute," Bev said running over to them. "(Y/N) you know he might have an STD or something right?" Eddie said. "How would he have an STD?" she asked him. "He literally says that he has slept with a bunch of girls every day, you never noticed?" (Y/N) looked at Richie and punched his chest. "You know better than to lie Rich!" she yelled at him. "Hey stop hitting me I never said I did that with anyone," he said. "You ever do it with anyone I will kill you," she growled. "What if it's with y-" Stan cut him off by yelling, "Not happening!"  "Why do you care what we do?" Richie questioned. "She's like my little sister, you touch her you die," he said and Bill nodded in agreement. Richie smirked and dropped his arm from around her shoulder down to her waist. Bill and Stan glared at him. (Y/N) looked at Richie and said, "Oh no you don't," moving his arm. "Damn it," he mumbled. (Y/N) remembered she had to be home by 1 pm or her mom would get angry. "Guys I've got to go home," she said with a sad tone. Richie her his eyes looked worried knowing what would happen if you were late. He kissed her cheek and said, "Be careful you." She looked at him wide-eyed, "I-I love you too Rich. She ran away fearful of how her mother would hit her if she were late.

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