The Story of my "If Only"

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The hardest step of my life.. after 4 years.. the hardest tears to hold after 4 years.. will begin in a second.. after I realize its Friday, 7th September 2018.. 11.50 AM..

I run through the crowd of people.. can't even think what I am gonna do... I run without feeling tired.. to the Gate.. where someone I adore... someone I love.. someone I have been keeping in my heart secretly... standing waving a goodbye to her bestfriend..
Not being late.. still I can see her face for last time before she go away..
She turn away with her luggage.. pulling it slowly to enter the gate..

"MYOUI SHARON MINAAA!!!!" I shout out of my lungs.. while I felt everyone freeze and look at my side.. Mina turn around and look at me who is standing like a fool with such a distance to her...
I take a step.. steps .. more steps towards her..
She frown a smile looking at me.. the most beautiful smile I have been seeing all my life..
"Minatozaki Sana?" She let out my name from her soft voice..
When I reach the place standing infront of her..
"Are you going now?" I asked
"Hmmm" she hummed a yes.. still doesn't understand that I am hinting her not to go..

"Have safe flight.. see you... when I see you" I said as she stare at my eyes..she smile..
"When it will be?" She asked me..
"I don't know" I said as she giggled
"Be careful.. b..bye" I said waving at her.. holding my tears of oceans..
"Byeee" she said as she turn away...
"W...wait.. Mina" I said as again she stops.
She turn away and I get closer to her.. I open my arms..
"Can I get the hugs?" I said as she laughed.. she let go her things and throw herself to me..
"Have a great life there.. goodluck" I said as I buried my face on her shoulder..
"You too" she said and patting my back..

Pulled off from each other.. staring to each other eyes.. with her bright smile enough to make my heart beat faster...
Until again she waves a goodbye at me.. and turn around..
Can just see her back.. walking away from me.. leaving me.. leaving me in the time I have to let her go.. after all the things happened to us.. all the memories we have built.. all the laughed.. the smile and the tease.. and the feelings I have to her..
Left inside of me.. inside of my heart.. still locked.. and I cant open it anymore.. cause she had the key.. the key that will never get use to open my heart.. because... she never know.. how I felt.. she never know... she is my life.. she is my everything... now she left me..

I just can say..

"If only... I tell you I love you.. will everything change?"

IF ONLY (Mina X Sana)Where stories live. Discover now