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After the breakfast done and we both done with washing the dishes, Mina takes a look on her notebook as she is checking our schedule today..
I look out the windows as I admire such a nice weather today..
"By the way, what did you dream of last night Sana?" She asked as I turn to look at her
"Nothing Mina just a random nightmare" I said
"I don't think so, cause I heard my name" she said as I turn to look out the windows again being awkward
"I dreamt of losing you" I mumble as I hope she didn't hear me
"Huh? Why would you?" She asked
"I don't know, I don't remember what happened, maybe thats why I am abit shocked when I can't see you around this morning" I said as I didn't get any answer from her

But suddenly a pair of hand wrapped around my shoulder and she lean her chin on my shoulder.. what is she doing...
"So sweet of you.. thanks for worrying about me" she said as I grab her hand awkwardly
"Anyway, had you take a bath?" She asked as I break off her back hugs
"Why? Did I smell?" I asked embarrased
She giggled and showing me her gummy smile
"Nooo, guess you haven't, go have a bath we need to go for work Sana ssi" she said teasing me

"You done yours? " I asked as I walk away
"Done, not like you... kekeekeeke" she again laughed


We both walking around to take a survey of the area.. taking some sample as it will keep our creative mind works..
suddenly I heard Mina's Phone ring as she take it and answer the call..
"Hello, yeah... eh? Where?" Suddenly she hug up as she looks to one storefront where there is one girl stand there waving towards us.
She runs towards the girls suddenly as I followed her..
"Yaaaa... Chaeng why are you here?" She said
"I am about asking you the same thing" the girl said
"Anyway this is Sana, she is my collegues" she said as I bow
"Hello,I am Chaeyoung" she said
"I am Sana" I said as Mina suddenly get excited
"Business trip, you know" she is holding her notebook
"Should have told me, maybe I can help you guys,, I am staying here also for my business" she said as she smile at us.
No.. We are okay actually.. who is she really.. hmmm
"Been so busy and we haven't see each other for so long Princess Mina" she said as Mina hugs her
"Yeahh sorry Miss you Chaengie" she said
Why I am so annoyed for whats happening infront of me really.

"You two lets have lunch together" Chaeng said as we both entered the restaurant near
They keeps talking about their memories together along that lunch time.. while me..
Looks like a fool..
"Excuse me" I said as Mina looks at me
"Toilet" I said as Mina smile at me
I sighed as I don't really have a mood after seeing them being that clingy to each other..
I am jealous

If only you know I am jealous of your smile to her, will you stop showing your sweet smile to her?

To be continued..

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Thanks for reading...

IF ONLY (Mina X Sana)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن