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After the presentation ended..
When people walks out the hall.. I see Mina is with Momo talking in their chair..
"Eunha.. I will join you soon.. you can go first" I said to Eunha as she nodded..
I walk towards Mina as she saw my walking towards her and smile at me..
Soon I arrived at their place..
I grab Mina's hand and check it again..
She didn't say anything to me.. we both just have an awkward silence also Momo look at us without any word.. until I am the one who start..
"Isn't it hurt?" I asked Mina as she smile at me..
"No.. its okay.." she said
"You must be shocked, right?" Momo asked me
"Yeah.." I said
"Okay guys.. sorry I will be more careful next time" Mina said as I nodded
"So.. I will go back to my office" I said
"We gotta go too" Momo said as they get up..

We go back to our office as again I got separate way with her..
I still worried of her.. even its just a little wound.. but making me feel so sad she get hurt..
Suddenly my phone ring as I got a text..

Mina : thanks for before ;)

Me : welcome Mina, should be more careful girl ;)

Mina : its fine.. just a little one anyway

Me : but still :(

Mina : don't be so worried kekekeke

Suddenly Eunha came and tell me I get called by my manager..so I go to my manager room and I see Mina was there too..

"So guys.. you two know each other right?" My manager asked as we both nodded
"Great then.. I need you guys to be a team.. cause we gonna get a survey from our customer.. and how about you two get to be in Busan area?" Suddenly my manager said
"Eh?" I look at him in confused
"You two stay in busan for few days maybe for surveying our customer need and thats will be good for our market target, right Sana?" He asked as I nodded
"And Mina.. you know our product well and the cost you both can help each other by that.. and after you guys done the survey please sumbit me the report" our manager said

"So since when we gonna get to be there?" Mina asked
"The day after tomorrow.. all the expenses will be on our company.. so just prepare yourself and what you guys gotta bring there.. we will provide you two a place to stay" our manager said
"Is it okay? You two?" He continue as we didn't answer him

Mina suddenly tickle my hand as she hinting me to answer
"Y..yes.. okay we are in" I said as Mina nodded..
"Okay you guys may go" he said as we both go out the room
"Oh this gonna be great.. work and little trip" Mina said
"Why he choose us?" I asked
"Maybe he saw us before.. I mean when I am presenting.. he knows I know you" Mina said
"Yeah maybe" I said
"So.. gonna get my work donw before day after tommorow first.. so we are ready for the business trip?" Mina said as I nodded
"Okay.. me too.. see you" I said as I go to my office and she waves at me..

If only I could ask what she feels towards me.. what will be her answer?

To be continued..

Sorry it has been a year I think? From my last update?
Mianhaee guyss..

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