"That's what all the women say when they're running late to something with their partner," Luca teases with a cheeky grin.

I roll my eyes and he steps back to the table, placing a hand to the stem of his champagne glass.

"Anyway," I say loudly, changing the subject before the pair start an impromptu war of words, "are you still being hassled by that company trying to buy you out?"

"Now more than anything," Fredrick answers.

"We need to do something different that will make them stop coming after us," Luca adds.

"Like what?" I probe.

"We have a few ideas but nothing set in stone," Fredrick replies. He stares down at his glass and runs a finger over the rim of it a few times before sighing. "What we were going to do, we can't do because they will know that that would have been our move."

"They seem to know our next move before we do," Luca complains through a sigh that matches Fredrick's.

"Whatever we do go with, it will have to be done quickly. I'm starting to dread opening my emails in the mornings."

I raise a brow at Fredrick. "Can't you block them?"

"I would if it was coming directly from them but they're going through the lawyers and I can't block them."

"We can't get them done for harassment because they're doing it the legal way. If they weren't, they'd have two very big lawsuits on their hands."

"Then why don't you make it seem like they're doing it the illegal way?" I suggest.

"Because then we'd be seen as playing dirty and they've got the evidence on their side that shows they're going by the law."

"I don't see why you can't threaten them with a lawsuit if they keep pestering you."

Luca and Fredrick fall silent and I finish my champagne in peace, not really noticing how quiet they've gone until my glass is completely empty. I place the empty glass down and look at the two men staring at me.

"What?" I shrug.

"Your girlfriend may have a point," Fredrick says, pointing at me. He looks at Luca and points his finger to the table as he carries on speaking. "If we go to the lawyers and tell them that this whole thing is beginning to affect our families–"

"Which it is," Jade butts in, joining us at the table. We look at her. "Sorry to intrude but I couldn't help but feel left out of this conversation."

Fredrick smiles at her then continues like she was here all along. "–it's technically classed as affecting our personal lives which neither of us wants. We keep work separate from our personal lives and we're technically only defending our families now."

"But we're really protecting our business," Luca grins.

"And the ones who kick you out to work each morning," Jade adds, nodding to me with a toothy smile.

Luca pulls his phone free from his blazer pocket. "I'll call Trent to set up a meeting with the lawyers for tomorrow morning."

"Make it lunchtime." Fredrick pulls Jade in close to his side and grins at her. "I'm planning on enjoying tonight while I can as that will be a massive weight lifted off my shoulders."

Luca rolls his eyes and leaves the table. "I'm sure you will."

I shake my head and avert my eyes away from the married couple. I search the packed café for Luca and find his standing off to the side with Carlo standing close by. His phone is pressed firmly to his ear as he speaks, his free hand making hand gestures as he speaks.

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