Chapter Seventy Five- MRS EVERLY

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"No no it's fine" I shake my head.
"I mean I'm flattered but I don't know if that's something I would consider doing" I answer truthfully. My life is here. My family are here. My friends. My boyfriend. How could I just drop all that and move across the country?

"I have one of the administrators coming in on Monday to see you, if it's something you would consider" she says as she pushes a few papers around her desk and I feel my heart beat increase as my eyes widen in shock.

"Woah no no no-" I shake my head quickly.
"I never agreed to this" I say and she laughs lightly.

"It's nothing major, they are just coming to talk to you about the course and what it takes to enrol, you know? It's very simple" she says and I frown. But I never asked for this? What if I wasn't interested?

"But I never said I wanted this-"

"Just think about it" she laughs lightly and I frown. How is she so chill about this?
"The interview is on Monday at one, in my office, it's your decision whether or not you come but I would highly advise for you to hear what they have to say" she stated sternly and I frown. I don't care for what they have to say if I'm not even going right? Right?

"And if I don't come?" I fold my arms over my chest and she laughs lightly, sitting back behind her desk.

"Well I hope it doesn't come to that" she says and I frown. What the hell was that supposed to mean?
"Is that all?" She raises her brow at me popping my glasses back on. No that wasn't all but right now I needed to go. I needed to go home and Fucking breath. I needed to get away from everyone and everything and take a step back to look at the bigger picture right now. I sigh taking a deep breath before shoving the letter into my bag harshly, storming towards the door.
"Monday at One, Miss West" Mrs Everly calls just as I slam the door behind me. How could she do this to me? Why would she put me in this situation? I never asked for this. I don't need this right now. I feel myself becoming worked up as I walk the empty halls finding my way to the exit before leaving the campus.

Once I arrive home I find myself sitting the kitchen eating as much toast as I could possibly make to distract myself from the situation at hand. I couldn't believe what was happening to me. I didn't need any of this. Why would I want to go to Stanford? I'm not even smart enough to take place in the programme like is this a joke? My thoughts get interrupted when my phone vibrates next to me on the island. I pick up the phone seeing I have a new message.

From Harry- The janitors closet is fucking freezing

To Harry- Get out before Phill catches you

From Harry- I'd rather you come and join me...

To Harry- And why would I do that?

From Harry- Thought we agreed no phone sex? I mean I'm up for it but I'd rather you just come suck me off anyway

To Harry- Your disgusting. What is with you and your thing with me sucking you off? Creep.

From Harry- You give the best head, don't act like you don't.

To Harry- Had a lot of practice.

From Harry- I hope not.

To Harry- Jealous?

From Harry- You only give me head.

To Harry- Your such a guy.

From Harry- You would know.

To Harry- Get to class.

From Harry- Come get me...

To Harry- I'm at home

Brothers Best Friend  (H.S)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz