I slightly nodded, my body still shaking, my heart still thundering in my chest. It had been a week since Father was saved from the poison, and each passing moment, I spent it with him. From when dawn would break to when night would wrap us in sheer darkness, I stayed with him, in his arm, talking. And in that week, I felt whole, an overwhelming warmth embracing my soul.

And all that past week, my nights were never peaceful. And it worried me more that even the King didn't know what those dreams were, or what awaited in the end seemingly interminable dungeon.

Time trickled in its hourglass for a while, my body and soul still laying along my father's, my sun against his. With indolent eyes, I stared at his emeralds and how much they looked like mines. Fierce and commanding, a gift to a ruler.

"I've heard you talking with Ramos last night,'' I said, fingers absentmindedly running on his shoulder. ''What were you two scheaming?"

He smiled, a glint appearing in his eyes. A glint I knew too well how to read. We shared the same mind, both sly and sharp catching when needed. Staring at the already risen sun, he replied, "I have called for a council meeting. The court should be gathering by now.''

"A gathering for what purpose?"

"I will explain it to you once you get ready. But now, go change, and make sure it is something fit for a royal."

And with those words, an idea of what awaited shone clearly in my mind.

Wrapping myself in my black robe, I left the room, but not before his soul whispered to mine.

Meet me behind the throne room.


It took me little time to prepare as Ramos had sent a maid to my room for the sole purpose of dressing me. Wrapped in a navy, satin dress and adorned with enough jewelry and an elegant diadem resting on my head, I couldn't scream more royalty. Keeping the hood of my raven mantel well over my head, I glided in the shadowy corridors woven discreetlybetween hallways and rooms, hidden from the eyes of surveying sentries.

From one narrow passage to the other, I walked until my father's cloaked figure appeared, his eyes glowing in the dimness of the place. Enclosed by dusty walls with hanging cobwebs and a deadly silence, we stood in the secret passages meshing the throne room.

"Follow me," he muttered as we started swaying away from the way I knew took to the major council room. "I made Ramos order the council to be in a different room than usual; it is the one used in case of extreme privacy, away from all possible curious ears.''

"It is time they know the Armedes King is finally back," I stated. He only nodded.

"Yes, but it is also time Ardoria knows of its future ruler. As a first step, you will be introduced to the courts and will claim your throne and birthrights."

We were fast-walking, carefully skipping from one sleek couloir to another, but my mind had stopped short upon his words.

"Claim my throne? Does your court have the right to take it from me?"

"By Leander's law, they only have the right to do so if the bearer of the mark is still too young to succeed. In those times, they have to discuss whether any of the elder siblings or relatives is fit to be a reagent. Being marked and a chosen, they do not have the right, but they will try with no doubts."

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