Part Nine

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(NOTE: When Elsa sings in this chapter, it is to the tune of "Let It Go." When Anna sings in this chapter, it is to the tune of "For the First Time In Forever: Reprise.")

It has been days since Kristoff left to find the princess only heard of in rumors, and each day Anna has gotten worse and worse. She can barely lift her head off of her pillow, or even move her fingers to hold her sister's hand.

Elsa is terrified. She wishes that Kristoff could return sooner, but she knows that the trip he is making is a long one. They both knew when he left that it was risky, especially since neither of them even knew for sure if this princess exists or not. And the longer it takes for him to come back, the more hope she loses --what little of it she has left, anyway.

The Snow Queen paces back and forth in the hallway right outside of Anna's room. Olaf is sitting with her sister right now, but even though she needs and deserves a break she can't seem to take one. She is entirely too worried about her sister to focus on anything else. What if the little time she is spending with her now, these past few days, is all the time they have left together? What if they never get to sing together again, to build a snowman together again, to just enjoy life together again? Ever since Anna met Kristoff, Elsa has always hoped to see her sister get her happily ever after. What if Anna doesn't live long enough to get to marry her true love?

And what will happen of Kristoff if Anna dies? Elsa can see just by looking in the young man's eyes how much he is in love with Anna. Anna's death could very well kill Kristoff, as well, at least mentally.

But even worse, what would happen to Elsa herself? Her sister is her entire life now. Her love for Anna is what helps her to keep her powers under control. Just the thought of losing Anna is enough to bring Elsa to her knees!

"Elsa?" The young queen hears Olaf's voice say softly and worriedly.

Elsa once again notices how her worrying has caused her to lightly freeze the hallway over with a thin sheet of ice. But what Olaf says next causes snow to actually begin falling inside the castle.

"The nurse says that... that it's almost time. Anna is getting closer and closer to..." The poor little snowman can't even finish his sentence.

Elsa feels so bad for Olaf. He still blames himself for what has happened to Anna. Any other time she would kneel down to his level and do her best to comfort him, but the news he brings has just about made her heart stop. She rushes past the snowman and into her sister's room. There, she finds the nurse in tears, holding a cold rag over the princess's head.

Elsa feels the tears forming in her own eyes. "Is she...?"

The Snow Queen doesn't even have to finish her sentence. The nurse slowly nods, and Elsa rushes to Anna's bedside and holds her sister's hand in both of hers. The snow around Elsa begins to come down harder.

"Elsa...?" Anna practically whispers, weakly turning her head to look up at her sister.

"It's okay Anna, I'm here," Elsa says, squeezing Anna's hand tighter.

"Am I...? Is it time...?" Anna tries to ask. But Elsa's sudden sobs answer her unfinished questions.

Anna tries to look around the room. She sees Olaf standing next to Elsa, and she sees the nurse at the foot of the bed. But she doesn't see one other person that she desperately wants to see.

"Where... Where is Kristoff?" She asks.

At first this causes Elsa to sob even more. Her sister is about to go... How could this be happening? Not only did Kristoff's mission fail, but also Anna is about to die without getting to see her true love one last time. It is too much for Elsa to bare! But she is finally able to compose herself enough to answer her sister's question.

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