Part Seven

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Kristoff rides on Sven's back, heading towards the harbor. The only way that the two of them can get to the kingdom with the rumored princess is by ship. Kristoff wishes there was a faster way, but he knows there isn't one.

Once they arrive at the harbor, the two of them are able to board a ship headed to Corona. Kristoff stares at the slowly-disappearing Arendelle as he absentmindedly pats Sven's head.

"What am I gonna do without her, Sven?" He says to the reindeer. "I know I've always done well in the past without anyone, but now that I've fallen in love with her... I don't think I can live without her."

Sven looks up at his master and best friend with sympathetic eyes. Kristoff sometimes has a strange way of comforting himself in times like this by 'voicing' Sven in a deeper voice. He used to do it all the time when there was no one else for him to talk to. He doesn't do it as often now, now that he's got Anna, but he does it in this moment.

"Don't worry, I'm sure she'll be fine," Kristoff says in 'Sven's' voice. "You'll bring that princess to her, and she'll heal her."

"But what if I can't get the princess to come with me?" He says, returning to his normal voice. "I mean, look at me! What person in their right mind would trust a random guy from another kingdom?"

"You'll find a way." 'Sven's' voice again. "You always find a way! For Anna."

Kristoff smiles at his own thought. "Thanks buddy. You're right, as usual!" He then gives Sven a scratch behind the ear. In response, the reindeer licks his hand lovingly.

Elsa sits at Anna's bedside, continuing to grow more and more worried. Her sister hasn't opened her eyes in a few hours, and she continues to cough in her sleep. She is also growing very pale in her face, and hasn't been eating or drinking much at all.

The Snow Queen hasn't been able to eat or drink much herself lately, she is so worried about Anna. She doesn't think she'll be able to until Kristoff returns, until she knows that Anna will be perfectly fine.

But will she be fine? Will Kristoff be able to bring back that princess? Does the princess still even have her powers? There are too many questions running through Elsa's head, and the more she thinks about them the more ice begins to fill the room. She finally notices once Anna begins to shiver, and she leaves the room for a brief moment to regain control of herself.

"Conceal, don't feel, don't let her see..."

Elsa continues to repeat this to herself, over and over until she finally doesn't see any ice around her. She then returns to Anna's room, where the nurse is now at her sister's bedside.

"How is she?" Elsa asks.

"I'm afraid she's growing worse, Your Highness," the nurse replies.

Elsa has to repeat the phrase to herself again. With Anna getting worse, it won't be much longer before... She won't even let herself think it.

Kristoff has to return soon. He has to save her sister. He is her only hope.

Rapunzel's hair is now completely blonde again, but she still hasn't been brave enough to give it a try and see if she has her powers back. All of her life, her power was just a part of her. She didn't think twice about it, even enjoyed having it, because it was all she had ever known. But now that she has had a chance to live a normal life, without any powers or worries that someone will exploit her for them, she finds that she may actually prefer things that way. She may never even try to sing for her hair again. What does she care if her powers have returned? She, nor anyone else, ever has to know.

"Rapunzel!" Eugene suddenly calls, bursting into the room. "Someone new is here at the castle, and they're asking for you."

"Me?" Rapunzel asks, glancing down at Pascal who is sitting on her bed, looking back up at her. "What do they want with me?"

Eugene seems hesitant to respond, but he finally says: "They've heard rumors that your hair has grown back, and may have its powers again."

Rapunzel gasps, instinctively reaching up to grab some of her hair protectively. "They're here for my hair?"

"That's what they say," Eugene replies. "I don't know what else to do, but tell you to maybe... come give them a look?"

"Eugene, I... I don't know if I can!" Rapunzel says, still playing with a strand of her own hair. "I don't even know if my powers have returned!"

"Well tell them that," Eugene says. "Come on, I'll go with you."

Rapunzel gulps, places Pascal on her shoulder, and then slowly walks out of the room with her husband. He leads her to the Main Entrance, where a tall man with blonde hair is standing with a worried look on his face.

The man sees the couple coming, and immediately runs over to Rapunzel. "Are you the princess, the one with the magic hair?" He asks.

"Um... I'm not sure if I have my powers back or not," Rapunzel says.

"Well, is there a way you check?" The man asks. "It's kind of urgent, and there isn't a lot of time."

Rapunzel leans closer into Eugene. "I'm sorry sir, but I don't even know you!" She says.

Even Pascal looks a little skeptical, and he stares this new guy down much the same way he did when he and Rapunzel first met Eugene.

The man sighs. "I'm sorry, I'm just kind of flustered. My girlfriend is in serious danger, and I... Well, my name is Kristoff. I'm from the kingdom of Arendelle.

Arendelle? Isn't that the kingdom with the rumored queen with snow powers? Rapunzel thinks.

Suddenly, Rapunzel's mother appears seemingly out of nowhere. "What did you say your name was?" She asks.

"Uh, Kristoff," he repeats.

"And you're from Arendelle?" Queen Arianna asks.

"Yeah," Kristoff says slowly.

Rapunzel looks over at her mother. How long had she been standing there? Why was she suddenly so interested in this man from Arendelle?

"I really don't mean to be rude, but I've got a real problem here," Kristoff says. "My girlfriend, Princess Anna of Arendelle, is extremely sick. She caught the illness from the kingdom of Parynia, and she is probably on the verge of death right now." He looks back over at Rapunzel. "I really need you to figure out whether you have your powers or not, so we can leave as soon as possible!"

Rapunzel feels a chill run up her spine. She is still too scared to give her hair another try! "I... I can't!" She tells him.

"Rapunzel, you must," Arianna suddenly says. "Do everything you can to help him."

Rapunzel stares at her mother blankly. Even Eugene seems surprised. "What?" Rapunzel says. "Why?"

"Because," the Queen replies, as tears begin to form in her eyes. "Kristoff is your brother."

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