f i f t y - n i n e

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I started laughing a little because I think this is a J-O-K-E!

Like, seriously? Please, where are the cameras?

His face was straight as hell. He looked mean and pissed like I was annoying him or something. Oh...this is...real.

"Jaide, I think it's best we just stay...friends."

Huh? ¿Qué? ماذا? 什麼? Quoi? Che Cosa?

That literally caught me off guard. Why all of sudden he wants to remain 'friends'? He never wanted to be in the first place so what changed.

"Friends? You and I?" I crossed my arms. "That didn't work out remember?"

"Yes, friends!"

"The fuck do you mean? You're breaking up with me?"

I thought that I could keep my composure but it literally felt like I just got jumped.

I was breaking down emotionally. Everything regarding the future that we talked about starting running through my head like bullets. This was not making any sense.

I'm so pissed and livid but damn he literally just rejected my love. He literally just broke my fucking heart. I thought he wanted kids, marriage and a future with me.

Clearly, it was all talk and I'm not worth it. That's what made me cry. I started balling like no tomorrow. I'm heartbroken, mad, and confused. I'm feeling a million emotions all at once and they're spiraling out like sparks.

I ran towards him and I began punching and slapping him. Where the fuck was this coming from? He didn't mention any of this on the phone or text.
What is he talking about?

"So, you're gonna leave me? Here. Please don't do this don't leave me!" I begged him. He didn't even acknowledge my own pain. He just kept blocking my hits and trying to sit me down.

I don't want to calm down, I don't want to be friends. I want to be your wife, the mother of your children, Damon. I want to be your best friend. You are my best friend and best friends don't go back to being 'friends'.

My tantrum didn't mean shit. I don't mean shit! It's really over and I'm so distraught. All those tears I held back I couldn't control them. I just kept crying and harrumphing like a desperately hungry baby.

He's so nonchalant about it he didn't even crack. All he had to spare were words.

"You're young, Jaide. You have a whole life ahead of you and I don't want to hold you back from experiences. There's something better out there for you. Go chase it."

Noway! You cannot be serious right now, Damon.

Fuck, I feel so dumb. I really fell for this pathetic idiot. He was probably with me for the fun of it because I'm young and that's probably his thing secretly.

Wow, I'm so stupid. I'm actually disgusted with him right now. My attraction just switched off. What was I looking at? Ugh!

"Fuck you, " I said slowly looking at him painfully in the eyes. "Fuck you, Damon!"

Those were my last words. I never looked back. I hated that I went over there anyway. What was I thinking?

Oh man, I need a hug.

I headed back to the apartment and crashed on my bed. I didn't say anything to Zoe. She noticed how upset I was. She followed me into my bedroom and cradled me.

"Jaide, what happened?"

I couldn't even give her a response I just kept crying.
Just when I thought I couldn't speak:

"He hurt me. He broke up with me." I said.
Zoe frowned. She hugged me and comforted me until I was able to get control of my emotions.

"I'm so sorry, Jaidie Pooh." She said. "He'll regret it."

I'm not even listening to Zoe explain his red flags. I just kept replaying in my mind the memory of us talking about our future. That's all I wanted. I even texted back Matthew the day I was taken before I was even snatched that I was in love with someone else and that I am sorry for putting him through an emotional roller coaster.

I made it clear with myself, God, and Matthew that I chose Damon because he chose me.

I don't even know how I am going to get over this. I want my mom. I want to talk to her. But I can't let her see me like this. So I just headed to the bathroom and fixed my makeup before I left.

"Honey?" My mom looks at me bewildered when I burst through the door. Neither of them was expecting me. My dad didn't even look my way. I was sensing the energy that he was pissed. Something wasn't right. He reaches out for a hug and hugs me passionately.

"Honey, I love you." He said. That's it? What's going on?

He walked out only saying that. My mother's eyes started turning pink and rosy. When a light tear fell, she quickly wiped it away. I dashed toward her and hugged her.

"Mom, what's happening?"

She looked like she didn't want to explain herself. She looks emotionally in pain. God, her face was so red.

"Your father and I are...getting a divorce."

I never thought I would be hearing those words. I had faith in my parent's love and affection. Always! But I literally just got slapped in the face with words, twice! If Damon breaking up with me wasn't enough.


She let's go of me and walks towards the staircase. Before she took a step she turned her face.

"It's only for the better, Mija."

Shh, Just Kiss Me (18+)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang