The Date

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Kovalskys was neither a big fancy restaurant or fast food. For Scorpion, it was a great genius family get along dinner night, but for Cabe in his current situation, it was perfect for a simple first date.

"Hello, Cabe. Welcome back." The waiter said. "Just you and the pretty lady?"

"Yep." Cabe said, popping the p. "Just us tonight, Stan."

"Then I take it you would like your usual?" Stan asked.

"Of course. Allie?" He turned to looked at her.

"Oh, I don't know. I'll just have the Italian beef." Allie shrugged and the waiter nodded, taking their menus and leaving. "I haven't been here before."

"Please tell me you're lying." The Homeland agent said, his eyes widening.

She chuckled. "No, I'm not. I just... never had the time."

"You'll love it, trust me." Cabe grinned and they both laughed.

The waiter came back with with a couple sodas. Leaving, he gave Cabe a thumbs up from the side so Allie wouldn't see before moving a couple tables away.

"I can't see him!" Toby whined. "You two are in the way!"

Happy rolled her eyes. "You'll get us caught. You're easy to spot."

"Oh and the backs of your oh-so-familiar heads aren't?"

"If I may interrupt, why are we doing this?" Walter asked. "It's invasive and if he finds out he'll kill us."

"We do it because we care." Toby said.

"And he'll probably mess up, too." Paige added.

"Which is why we're here. Okay, I'm all caught up now." Sylvester said.

"What about Ralph?" Walter said.

"I hired a babysitter. Said she'll keep him entertained the whole night."

"This is still wrong."

"And yet we're still here, 197." Happy smirked at her boss. "We're not leaving until they leave."

"Or sooner if he finds us." Toby muttered, stuffing a burger in his mouth.

"You could be a little neater." Happy growled, eyeing her boyfriend.


"How is everything?" Stan asked.

"Great as usual, thanks Stan." Paige said.

"How's the lovely couple?" Toby asked.

"Talking about restaurants, work, things like that. Cabe keeps looking at her like he's about to lose his mind or something." Stan said.

"Head over heels. Perfect." Paige grinned.

"Also, Walter, we're doing this because we literally finished a case and we're all hungry." Happy said.

"I get it!" Walter grumbled before picking up a French fry. 

Back at Cabe and Allie's table, things were going as well as Stan had told the rest of the team.

"Favorite movie?" Allie asked with a giggle. 

"Got to be Speed. You?" Cabe grinned. 

"Oh, I don't know there are so many..." 

"Just choose one. Any." 

"Fine. The Princess Bride." Allie rolled her eyes as Cabe snorted. 

"Really?" He laughed. "You couldn't think of anything better?"

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