"Well, thank you." He said sarcastically.

I faced him fully, holding my hands out to offer him a look. His eyebrows shot up and his lips parted. His eyes still looked tired, but they widened just a bit.

"It looks amazing. Well done, Steph. I think you have a very bright career in material art."

"Really?" She asked, bashful. "You think so?"

"You turned a regular everyday dress into something very elegant." Travis nodded. "Definitely."

"So, my work here is done." Stephanie said, clasping her hands together before turning to the desk and collecting her things.

"Yeah, I got the makeup." Travis said, grabbing some of her things from the foot of the bed that she set down earlier.

"Are you kidding?" Stephanie asked, pausing in her clean up. "You'll make her look like a clown! Let her do her own makeup."

"She doesn't know how." He responded.

"Neither do you, I'm sure she could manage better with her foot."

"She seriously doesn't know what anything is."

"She doesn't?" Stephanie turned her head to look at me, her eyebrows meeting in utter confusion.

"She doesn't." I answered with a soft sigh.

"It's a good thing I always keep touch-ups in my purse, then!" She exclaimed. "I'll be right back, my purse is in my car."

"Your parents car." Travis corrected.

"Whatever." Stephanie rolled her eyes, smiling. "Be right back."

She exited the room quickly, descending the stairs.

I made my way over to the bathroom, turning the dial for the lights to come on. I looked into the mirror and stretched up on my toes to try to see the whole dress.

"Would you like a step stool or use the body mirror on the inside of my closet door?" Travis asked with a cocky chuckle, arms folded and leaning against the door frame with one ankle crossed over the other.

"Body mirror, please." I scoffed out, walking over to the closet with him.

"You really do look nice in that dress." Travis complimented before opening the closet up, the mirror hanging on the inside threw back my reflection.

"Thank you."

The slight dips and noticeable curves of my body protruded in the color of this dress, making my hips look bigger. The material was smooth running down, but Stephanie really did do something amazing. I turned to see the dress from different perspectives, admiring how it looked so professionally done.

"Are you ready?" Stephanie's voice called ahead of her before she entered the room with her big purse.

I nodded excitedly.

* * *

Stephanie explained to me what everything was and where everything went. She had something called foundation, a powdery substance that would smooth out dips or imperfections in ones face, but she said it wasn't needed for me. That the skin of my face didn't need something for imperfections.

Travis insisted on having it look more casual than how the dress turned out, but that only angered Stephanie and she scolded him until he sat in the corner, watching us. As she worked on my eyelids with coloring she called eyeshadow, she hummed a song I wasn't familiar with. It was quite lovely.

"You have a lovely voice." I complimented, my eyes closed but my eyebrows pulled up so she could work with the lids.

"Thank you." She said softly, but I could hear the embarrassment in her tone. "Do you have any talents?"

Existence Of Love [Harry Styles Fanfiction/A Mermaid Tale]Where stories live. Discover now