The Last Stand

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Hello everybody, Andrewbird64 here. I present you a new chapter. I like to thank a fan of my story who was willing to beome my editor because let's face it my writing is no good. I love to give credit to lonick67 for helping me with the story. Not only that we're now collaborating the story. Lonick67 will post my story on if you want to read there. Maybe it will be different from mine. I seensome writers who collab and they were different stories. So yeah thank lonicj67 for making this chapter possible.

Forgot I mentioned in this chapter. Please don't take this chapter seriously. It's all part Max's personality. there will be easter eggs and refernces. So anything Max says about what you like and hobbies is not to be taken for real. 

Now onto the story!


It was a very hot day in Hell's Kitchen, New York. Everybody is going along with their business. Whether if it's someone going to work or wives to go to. Kids buying ice cream from the ice cream truck man, or going to the movies for summer blockbuster films showing this year. Summer Vacation has ended for the year, and all the youths had to return for school. Which was nice and quiet for a change for the parents and adult's alike. Sadly, once school ended for the day, the children will cause mischief around the area, acting like they were chimpanzee's that escaped from the zoo. Then it was time for the chimp's to go do their homework, and repeat the cycle again for the rest of the whole school year.

As for our ex-cop anti-hero, he's currently at home paying no mind on what's going on outside. He didn't care as long as nobody is disturbing him in his so-called 'sanctuary' of a home. Max now lives in an apartment in Hell's Kitchen which is also the same place a certain Private Investigator (P.I.) lives in the same building as him. Max, in his home is watching the final episode to the beloved series, "Captain Baseball Bat Boy."

Over the past twenty years since the first season aired back in '98 (the same year his daughter were murdered), it spawned twenty seasons, and aired nine hundred ninety-nine episodes in the following years. The show was critically and generally beloved by everyone who watched the series. Unfortunately, the creators of the comic strip and the series decided to end the franchise by giving the audience the one thousandth episode that concludes the series. The episode was a two-hour long movie special that shows Captain Baseball Bat Boy and Bicycle Helmet Girl as full grown adults, now called Captain Baseball Bat Man and Bicycle Helmet Woman. When they were kids, Bicycle Helmet Girl has been trying non-stop to win Captain Baseball Bat Boy's heart; although the main hero always turns her down. Now as adults, the loveable protagonist began to return those feelings back. After saving the whole 'saving the world' cliche, Captain B.B.M. and B.H.W. got married at a baseball stadium. A year later, Bicycle-Helmet Woman gave birth to a new member to the hero family, an infant daughter. The family then wonder off to fight evil along with their new daughter, "Soccer Girl." It was the end, them the credits rolled.

When the show concluded, all Max could think about is the deceased man-child Italian mobster who was a huge fan of Captain Baseball Bat Boy.

'Vinnie Gognitti would be drowning in tears by now if he were still alive. Poor son of a bitch. If only your antics didn't start gang wars that you can't win. Now it came back to bite you in the ass, and blown you to pieces literally.'

Max thought as he got up from his chair and turned off the TV, and heading towards the bathroom to do his business. Flushing the toilet after finishing, Max looked at his reflection in the mirror. Thinking now's the time to shave and cut a little of his hair. He grabbed the razor next to the sink as he began his work. Minutes gone by and Max exits the bathroom with his beard shaved and a new haircut.

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