Chapter 4

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*Louis’ POV*

            Did Marcia just run in front of me because she dropped a tampon? I bit back a laugh. Girls were always so paranoid about silly things. I picked up the green package and handed it to Marcia, chuckling slightly.

            “It’s okay. I have four sisters. I’ve seen tampons before.” She quickly grabbed it from me and laughed; a nervous, fake laugh. Something wasn’t right. The tampon wasn’t why she ran to grab her purse. It couldn’t be. Something else was going on and I was going to figure it out.

            I quickly grabbed her bag out of her hand and opened it. Pills. A brand new, unopened, massive bottle of pills. I knew what she was planning on doing. No one carried a bottle of pills around with them, at least not the size of the bottle she had.

            I looked into her eyes; I saw fear. She didn’t want me to know why she had them, but I wasn’t stupid. I took the pill bottle and threw it off the ledge of the tall building. Her eyes never left me. She looked utterly shocked. I looked at her, disappointment obvious on my face. “Let’s go” I murmured, trying not to have too much emotion in my voice. She followed obediently, looking at the ground the entire time.

            When we got in the car, I asked the driver to take us back to my hotel. She looked at me with wide eyes and a confused face. “Aren’t you taking me home?” she asked, clearly lost. I looked at her, my eyes narrowing. “Leave you alone with yourself? I don’t think so” I said harshly. I wasn’t trying to be rude or mean, but I was very frustrated. I didn’t know how to handle this and I knew I could not let her be alone. God only knows what she might do.

            The rest of the car ride was silent. I didn’t look at Marcia the entire time. I was devastated and hurt, I couldn’t figure out why though. I just knew I would keep this girl safe. She was not going to end her life; not as long as I was in the picture.

            When we got to the hotel, I brought her up to my room, completely forgetting I was sharing a room with Harry. I opened the door and saw him laying in bed watching tv. Thank goodness he was at least in his boxers. He looked at me and Marcia and smiled. “Why, hello. A bit late isn’t it?” I rolled my eyes at his hinting tone. “Harry, do you think you can stay with the other lads tonight?” Harry smiled, a stupid, hinting grin. I was going to strangle him the second I got the chance, I swear.

            Harry stood up and put on a pair of sweats and a t-shirt. “I can take the hint, Tomlinson” he said teasingly, giving me a wink. Yup. That’s Harry Styles for ya.

            As he walked out of the room, he shook my hand, leaving a condom in it. He leaned into me and whispered in my ear “Be safe” and walked out of the room. I gritted my teeth. He was so dead to me.

            I looked at Marcia and noticed she had no clothes to stay in. “I can give you a pair of sweats and a t-shirt to borrow to sleep in, if you’d like. I’m sure you don’t want to sleep in that.” She nodded, looking distant.

            I went over to my suitcase and found a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt and handed them to Marcia. “The bathroom is right there” I pointed. She nodded and left the room as I started to get changed.

*Marcia’s POV*

            I walked into the bathroom holding the clothes Louis gave me to sleep in. I couldn’t describe my emotions. I felt ashamed. I couldn’t believe he saw the pills. I know he’s not an idiot, he knew it right away. I wasn’t going to do it, though. After I was on that roof with him, I realized I could break free soon. Maybe I don’t need the quick escape, but I know that I scared the hell out of Louis. That’s why I’m in his hotel room, spending the night with him.

            After I was dressed, I walked back into the room. Louis had his pajama bottoms on and his t-shirt in his hand, about to put it on. He looked at me and smiled sheepishly. I felt my mouth gape open starting at his chest. Millions of girls would kill to be where I was standing right about now. “Do they fit okay?” he asked, nodding at my outfit. I nodded and said “A bit big, but that’s okay. It’s...cozy.” He smiled at me and put on his shirt.

            He walked over to me slowly and took my hand in his, bringing me over to the bed. He laid down first, and then pulled me on to the bed so I could lay against his chest. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my temple.

            I tried fighting the urge, but I started to sob into his chest. I couldn’t believe that Louis Tomlinson now knew about me being a suicidal mess. Louis said nothing, he just held me tighter and stroked my hair and back, calming me down a bit.

            The next morning I woke up still in Louis’ arms. My head had fallen so I was almost in between his armpit. He was already awake, playing with my hair. He looked down at me and placed a small kiss to my forehead. “Morning, beautiful” he said softly. Hopefully this meant he wasn’t upset with me.

            I looked up at him and smiled weakly. He moved a piece of hair out of my face and hesitated for a moment. “Can we talk?” he finally asked, trying to sound as gentle as possible. I nodded nervously, knowing what the subject would be. He sighed and started slowly. “I just…I want to know why…” he said, his eyes were pleading for an answer.

            I looked into his pools of blue and took a deep breath. “I…I told you that things were rough for me. I was tired of feeling alone and miserable, Louis. I couldn’t deal with it anymore. I wanted a way out. But…last night…I realized I have the rest of my life ahead of me…and you showed me that, Louis. Thank you…”

*Louis’ POV*

            Marcia and I talked for a while. She told me all about her life and why she felt she needed an escape. She told me that she wasn’t going to kill herself, but I knew I had to still keep a watch on her. I told her that I wanted to be involved in her life and help her and she was more than willing to let me. After almost an hour of talking, we got up and went downstairs to meet the other 4 lads for breakfast.

            As we got closer to the boys, I could see a stupid smirk on Harry’s face. Of Course. We sat down with the lads; I sat between Harry and Marcia. “So what’d you guys do last night?” Liam asked, not accusingly though, just purely out of curiosity. “Yeah, you two. What DID you do?” Zayn asked, with a stupid smirk on his face. Harry mirrored his smirk and stared at me, waiting for my answer.

            I rolled my eyes at them. “We went out to dinner and then I took her to the observation deck of the Empire State Building. Then we came here and fell asleep.” Harry nudged my ribs with his elbow and raised his eyebrows at me, implying we did more than sleep. I shot him an evil look and he stopped, holding his hands up in surrender.

            “That sounds nice! How was the view?” Niall asked. I looked at Marcia and smiled at her a little, encouraging her to talk. “It was incredible. I’ve never seen anything like it” she said, smiling at me. I bite back a smile and put my arm around her shoulders.

            After our breakfast, we headed back to my room so she could get her stuff. I didn’t want her to leave, but I knew she would have to go home at some point. I had her number though, and the tour in America was just starting. Everything would be fine. She was going to text me and we could video chat…things would work themselves out.

            Once she had all her stuff, I brought her down to the car that Paul set up to bring her home. Thankfully, there weren’t people that would really notice us around. We stood in front of the car and I put my hand on her waist. I looked into her brown eyes. “I’ll miss you…” I said softly. A smile spread across her face. “I’ll miss you, too” she replied, just as softly.

            I pressed a kiss to her forehead and whispered “Text me. Call me. Anything. I’m here, okay?” She nodded at me and gave me a small smile before getting into the car and closing the door. I waved as the car pulled off and drove into the mess of cars. I sighed to myself and told myself everything would be fine as I walked back inside. 

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