Chapter 3

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*Marcia’s POV*      

            Louis Tomlinson was actually going to take me out to dinner. Sure, it was almost midnight, but neither of us really cared. I could postpone my plans. I was actually quite hungry, so this was good. I could have a nice, big meal with Louis Tomlinson, and then die REALLY happy.

            Louis was holding my hand as he walked us to the limo that would take us to the restaurant. I had no idea where we were going to go, but I figured he had a quiet place in mind so he wouldn’t be mobbed by fans. Even though it was late, it was very possible.

            Louis went over to his driver and murmured something to him that I couldn’t catch. Louis then turned back to me and smiled. He opened the door and said “After you, my lady” I couldn’t help but giggle. He was so adorably corny.

            I got inside of the limo and Louis got in after me, closing the door behind him. “Where are we going?” I asked as I turned my head to look at him. He smiled at me a moved a piece of hair out of my face. How was I not already dead from this?

            “It’s just a little quiet Italian restaurant. I know the owner so he’ll give us a private room so we can be in peace and not have to worry. Sound good?” He smiled cheekily at me and I smiled right back and nodded. This was turning out to be 100 times better than I expected.

            When we got to the restaurant, Louis was able to cover himself well enough to get inside of the restaurant and go over to the owner. He talked quietly to the man and he looked up at me and smiled. Louis told him about me? I had to be dreaming.

            Louis motioned me over and I slowly walked over. “This is the owner, Joe.” I smiled and shook Joe’s hand politely. “I’m Marcia” Joe nodded and chuckled. “Louis told me. Seems like he has a crush on you” I blushed furiously at his comment. Louis didn’t seem to flinch, though. He just smiled and took my hand.

            Louis walked towards the back of the place and opened a door. He held it open for me and motioned me to go first. I walked inside of the dim light room and he followed; closing the door behind him.

            We sat down across from each other at the table for two. Joe came in to take our orders then left Louis and I alone.

            He narrowed his eyes on me, reaching his hands across the table. He took hold of my hands and turned my wrists over, examining the scars that covered most of my skin. I held my breath waiting for him to say something.

            To my surprise, he said nothing. He traced my scarred skin, then brought my wrists up to his mouth, brushing his lips against my skin. His hot breath felt so good against my skin. He looked up into my eyes, sorrow filling them.

            I looked back at him, suddenly feeling guilty. I wasn’t sure why, though. “Why?...” Louis murmured, barely louder than a whisper. I froze. I didn’t know what I could say.

*Louis’ POV*

            Marcia obviously had some serious issues going on in her life. I could feel my heart aching in my chest. Why was this beautiful girl hurting herself? I wanted to help her. I needed to help her.

            “Please, Marci…tell me. I can help you…I want to help you…” I begged. She looked into my eyes with her big brown eyes. She looked terrified. That was not the look I wanted. I let go of her left wrist and put my right hand on her neck. I stroked her cheek. “Please, don’t be scared. I’m here. I won’t judge you…”

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