Trial of the Blades

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       Patients yields focus what is that supposed to mean. Abi thought watching Keith as he strode out the door. "He is going to help Voltron right Krolia? What does he do" Abi asked genuinely curious. Abi had heard of Voltron in many stories, the giant robotic being here to protect everyone in the universe. She had learned about it in school and was interested. Her small planet never wanted to get wrapped up in this galactic war that was going on, so she wasn't allowed to leave to go find out.
          "Well,"Krolia started "he is the Black Paladin." "No way!" Abi said, "that's awesome, I just met the Black Paladin!" She smiled. "You should get ready for the trials," Krolia said, "they are tough, but hopefully you can make it out alive." "Make it out alive... but that means-" Abi replied. "You could possibly die." She cut Abi off before she could finish. "Prepare yourself child, it's starts in an hour."
Abi hadn't ever taken on a task like this before, without much training how was she going to pass this test. She sat in the safety of Krolia's quarters and waited pondering, and stressing over what was going to happen next. 'Is my journey going to end here' she thought. 'I put so much hard work into finding them, it can't' one tear slowly made its way down her face. She quickly wiped it away, this was no time to be crying, something needed to be done. This was her destiny, right? Abi wasn't sure if she could believe in destiny anymore, but her mother did. Her purple ears picked up a sound and twitched toward the door. Someone was coming.
          She stood up and flicked her tail, anxiously awaiting who it was. The Galra who walked in was an unfamiliar. She couldn't even see is face, it was covered by the mask that was part of the suit. He didn't speak, he just motioned to her and walked out. She took a cautious step, he looked back and motioned again. He swiftly moved out and she jogged up to catch up. She went next to him and asked "where are we going?" He seemingly ignored her. He just kept on walking, she followed assuming it was important. He lead her into an open room cover with the cool grey metal walls and the purple lights. Although it looked Galra it some how wasn't as menacing. In the open room stood a man who was very tall and purple, and then Krolia. Was this the start of her trials? She looked at Krolia with a confused face, one ear tilted to the side. She smiled at her. "Welcome to your trials Abi."
        Abi continued to look confused. Krolia walked beside her placing a hand on her shoulder. Abi looked at it, it was affectionate and genuine. "Good luck, don't die." "Thanks?" Abi answered questioningly.  The man who stood in the middle looked at her and took a stance. Legs apart, bent a bit and he put his hands out blade in hand. He was ready to fight. "Wait aren't there rules!!!" She called out to no one in particular. She took out her blade after no one responded. "Guess not." She said.  As the guy took a swing at her she ducked he was huge and she was tiny. She ducked through his legs and hit him in the back of the head with flat end of her blade. He fell, falling back towards her. Abi jumped to avoid the man and when he fell all the way he was lowered on a platform. From a different platform was lifted another challenger. She sighed and took her fighting stance.
                 After beating tons of guys in a row and doing pretty well but, not completely avoiding hits. She was getting tired, it had been hours, she was not going to give up now. The next guy looked different from the other her guys, she couldn't see their faces. She could see their frames though. He was quicker and more agile but still large. He came fast at her and she had no time to react.  She was hit, hard, right it the stomach. The air was knocked out of her, she folded into her middle, eyes wide. She gasped for air, she let her guard down. Bad idea. He came back at her, this time slashing at her blade arm. She felt that one. She hissed with was little air she had. He laughed at her, "you're pathetic. Give up girl, you're never going to activate your blade you're not strong enough." At that Abi stood as tall as she could. Activating the blade was the goal. She was not going to be beaten by this guy. She ran towards him, and he tripped her. She fell, hard onto her front blade clanging next to her. She scarred towards her blade and had her hand in it when he stepped on her hand. She let out a scream in pain that would shatter glass. "Come on. Give up!" He yelled at her "Never" she said the tears falling down her face. "I won't give up! Destiny said this was it! This is it, this is what I want." She said while sobbing. He got off her hand and she pushed up from the ground as best her could, blade in hand. "You know why I won't give up" she taunted. "Because I have people that believe in me." Her sobbing got harder. She had been beat pretty bad, but she wasn't giving up. "Crying really" He said hitting the back of her legs. She fell to her knees, in the process it scraped them up. Her arm was bleeding down the side of her suit and knees stung. She was worn out and ready to collapse. "I won't give up," she whispered in between sobs. All of the sudden the Blade in her hand glowed in a purple and white light and turned into a gladiator sword. "I did it" she said weakly falling on her side. She was slipping out of conciseness, Krolia came up to her. "Good job little one. Keith can you take her back to my quarters? I have to go tell the boss that she did it and that I would like to train her." Keith nodded and gently picked Abi up throwing her arm gently over his shoulder. "Good job, welcome to the Blades of Marmora," and Abi slipped out of conciseness.
Thanks for reading! Hope you liked it❤️
Bye bye,

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Oct 24, 2018 ⏰

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A Blade of My Own {Voltron Legendary Defender My Oc story}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang