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Chapter 3


What are you doing Mariella? You just met the guy and you're already holding his hand? What's the matter with you? You don't even know his name!

I suddenly stop in my tracks at my realization and pull my hand from his. It instantly becomes cold. 

"Something wrong?" he asks, a hint of worry in his eyes.

I drop my eyes to my feet and start to shuffle from side to side. I was nervous.

He takes a step towards me and asks again, "Are you alright?"

I clear my throat and quickly reply with a quiet, "Yes...wait no. Not really. You're holding my hand and I don't even know your name." I begin to furiously blush a deep red.

He chuckles and responds, "Luis."

Ugh he thinks I'm an idiot.


"Nice to meet you Mariella." He holds his hand out, assuming for a shake.

"Nice to meet you too, Luis." With a small smile on my face, I shake his hand.

Luis takes me on a tour of the enormous and elegant high school. There were high arches and stained glass windows, and staircases that seemed to never end. It was similar to a large castle. The kind that only a Queen of some sort would live in. I was terrified of the entire place. It wasn’t a warm place. There were many dark corners. Almost as if the building was full of hidden secrets everywhere. It held a very strange aura. However, I had to take it all in due to the fact that I was to be a student for my graduating year. Then I’m off to college.

“Well, that’s the end of your tour. What did you think of it?” 2 hours had gone by. Luis had insisted on giving me all the details of where everything is located. I’m sure we had missed classes, but it was my first day. I’m sure I didn’t miss much.

“It’s nice.” I reply.

“You don’t really say much, huh?”

“No, not really. Does it bother you?” I respond as I tuck a lock of my long hair behind one ear and once again stare at my feet.

“Actually, not at all. I’m pretty well-known here. My mother is the VP. So there is non-stop talking around me. Your silence is refreshing.” He replies.

Why! Why does he have to do that thing where he doesn’t pretend I’m invisible? I don’t think I’ll ever get enough of his compliments.

I blush an even deeper red than before, if that’s even possible. This boy had me from the moment he opened his mouth. I wasn’t even able to string a few words together. So I nodded while still looking at my feet.

“What do you have first period?”

“Oh, uhm.” I fumble with the papers in my hand and finally pull out my schedule. “AP Psychology.”

“Great. So do I. Tomorrow I’ll meet you here, at your locker. Sound good?”

“Yeah. That sounds good to me.” I reply. My stomach growls and I quickly tug at the cloth covering my stomach.

“What about we go and grab a bite?” He asks with a smile on his face and taking a peek at my hand on my stomach.

“Sure.” I smile sheepishly and release the fabric I had been clenching. “What did you have in mind?”

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2014 ⏰

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